Sunday, April 6, 2008

It's Christmas here!

Well here I sit among rows of boxes on every available wall in the kitchen, dining room, living room and back porch.  They are stacked somewhat neatly.  Bob is losing sleep as he worries where in the hell is he going to put all "your stuff".  I tell him  "deal with it", this doesn't make him smile.   I have to admit that  I question my own sanity when I packed all this "stuff".   We have found some treasures and also found some stuff that did not belong to us.  Two of the boxes were my son's, ( boxes were stored at his house), So I called him and informed  him I that  had a box of his wife's clothes here. He says " How do you know it is our box Mom" and I told him I never had a key chain that said "Sexy  Bitch"on it!
Yesterday we went to a neighbor's wedding.  He is 85 and she is somewhere near that.  He has a RV and they are going to hit the rode for the summer.  The wedding was beautiful and they looked pretty spiffy.
Last night we played Mexican Train with some friends that dropped.  Fun time.
I had better get back to unpacking.  See what new surprises await me.   Happy Sunday everyone.


Anonymous said...

It must be so exciting delving into the boxes rediscovering your treasures ,I hope you can find a space for everything  ,men arent good at this sort of thing are they lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

How wonderful for the Happy Couple still having adventures . Good Luck to them, I know what you mean about boxes, but it's hard to throw some things away even though you know you don't need it anymore.

Take care


Anonymous said...

Oh, enjoy rediscovering your treasures.  Bob will adjust.  LOL!

Anonymous said...

How fun to be in your 80's and getting married and heading for the road! I want to do that!  Congrats to them!
LOL on the keychain! That made me laugh!! LOL!
I hope you enjoy unpacking and looking at all of your "forgotten" treasures.

Anonymous said...

Treasures from days gone by, eh? Best wishes to the happy couple, well done to them.

Anonymous said...

What are you doing my sister---do you want to give that man of yours heart failure ???  We both know he will have to get over it---B_U_T---this will be no easy feat for my dear brother-in-law.  Wish I could be there just to watch as you find your many treasures, Or not !!!  Have a super day---love to you both from me ---Esmarelda

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your unpacking!  lol  Is Mexican Train a card game?  Can you explain it for us?

be well,

Anonymous said... what's Mexican train?  Do tell!!
