Sunday, March 23, 2008

OH, What a week it was!

Hi All,    We have been so busy lately.  The winter season is coming to an end and the things to do are all being scheduled before everyone leaves for the north and a summer at home.    Let's see, first we had our last dance of the season, went off very well.  Then we had "Fun Day" which was a hoot.  I was the sheriff and had five  deputies.   We had a jail and if you were caught without a "Get Out of Jail Free Card", it cost you to be bailed out.   My deputies were aggressive and we made a lot of money for the activities next year.  Beside the jail there were game of chance, water balloons, a cake walk and a huge amount of door prizes, all from local merchants.  We also had a lunch cafe there with all home made soups, chili, hot dogs and pastries.
Next we had a bocce tournament.  Bob's team came in first place and my team came in second.    What luck, not skill.  LOL       I won at Bingo this week, that's a first for the year..
Thursday, the park had a pork loin dinner cooked by the guys.  The horseshoe players and the shuffle team put it on..   Had company Thursday and Friday night for cards.  Saturday went to Easter service 8pm until 10:30 pm.  What a long service.  All so Bob could play golf on Sunday morning with the guys.
Today we were invited to our friends Marla and Don for Easter dinner.  There were 18 of us.    Marla is the perfect hostess and one of the best cooks that I have run across.  I'm so glad to have met her.
Tomorrow my friend Marianne is coming to visit for a few days.  She is hoping for warm and sunny weather, as it is still cold in New England.   The forecast is for the 70's all week and sunny.  Not bad.
I guess that's it for now.   Have a good week.   Catch you all later.      Dawn


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have been having a lot of fun!  Good for you!  Happy Easter!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Whew!  All that made me tired.  My you sure do have a busy life.

Anonymous said...

Hey what fun you have been having, great pictures ,the jail ones made me laugh ,and what a great looking bunch you all are ,lovely Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds a great life you have over there. Still very cold with snow here. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that bread looks gross! lol

Hope your holidays went well!


Anonymous said...

I swear Dawn, you are my idol.  If I'm half as active as you when I retire, I'll be happy as a clam.  I need to get in better shape if I hope to live that long. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow what a busy weekend, glad to hear you all had fun.

Take care


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an enjoyable week, Dawn. Have a great week to come!

Anonymous said...

That was one busy week!  Enjoy your visit with your friend.  And the sunshine and warmth.  It is still chilly here.  Brrrrr

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely time with your friend, and do take care. Sal.
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