Friday, April 11, 2008

More Of This and That

Another busy week.     We had a visit from friends of ours, Shirley and Gary from Arizona this week .  What a nice day we had with them catching up with all the news and finding out what they have been up too.   The day just flew by and before we knew it they were off, as they were leaving the next morning.  We have missed them and enjoyed their visit.
Tonight we had friends over and played a card game "Hand and Foot".  Guys against the girls.   We keep a running score.  We tied tonight.  The boys were lucky!!
Some of you have asked what kind of a game is "Mexican Train", it is a domino game, played with a double twelve set of 91 dominoes..   Lots of fun.  Here  are the rules for those of you that are interested
We are still unpacking.   It's a slow process! LOL
Tomorrow night 10 of us are going out for Chinese food and crab legs.  Oh, how I love crab legs.  Bob doesn't eat them as he says it is just to much work to get at the meat. Sunday Mary and Carl are having all 10 of us over for lunch and then the guys will watch the "Masters" on their 72 inch TV.
Last, but not least.  Ever wonder how to say  thank you when you see a military person in uniform?  
See a simple way to do it from across a room or as you are passing  by.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Hope you all have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Maggie looks like she is having fun helping Bob unpack!  It sounds like you are going to have a marvy weekend!  Enjoy!

be well,

Anonymous said...

We too are watching the masters but not on quite such a big telly a 72" in my lounge and there would not be any room for us lol. LOve Joan.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having so much fun with your friends! I always enjoyed "game nights" when I was married.
I had to laugh when I saw your cat in the box. Looks like you just unpacked him! LOL!
Have a good night,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are having a wonderful time.  Enjoy it as much as you can!


Anonymous said...

How wonderful for Bob, to have Maggie there to let him know where things belong.  Sounds like you are enjoying these last few weeks, before all depart for parts unknown.  I started moving all of the furniture to the garage, etc, in order to have the 2 bedrooms, living room, & hall floors, sanded, & re-finfshed.  I know it will look great, but once they are done, could you please send Bobeeee here to help unpack, & put things back where they belong????  Much love to the two of you from me----Esmarelda

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn:  I'm glad you found your green chair cushions.  I've been scanning through your entries to see what I've missed.  Loved the one about your tea party with your dad and the only place a toddler can get water from is the toilet.  Too funny.  Sounds like you've really enjoyed having a winter home here in Florida.   We had a couple we met last year bring their camper down and stay at our place this year and it was really nice to have them here.  They left their camper here so they'll be back next year for the winter months.  As soon as I'm healthy enough to travel we'll most likely go and visit them and maybe take our madien voyage in our camper this summer.  I've enjoyed catching up with you.  PS: We didn't go on a cruise our son and his wife did, we just drove to Tampa to pick them up when they returned.  

Marlene - A Poet's Point of View