Thursday, November 3, 2005

My Name is Maggie

  My Name  is Maggie

    This is Maggie, a recent member of our family.    We have been looking for her for the past two weeks and finally found her with the Arizona Humane Society at Petco.   We wanted an adult, stay in the house cat.  We found her Saturday and bought her.  The elder gentleman who, we believe is a volunteer??, went to cut off her paper collar and instead cut off one quarter of her ear.  Can you believe that?  No one, other than us found this to be a big deal.  She had been in a second level cage and he put these sharp scissors in there to cut the collar.  Did he think she would not move, holy crap, what a stupid thing to do.  I guess we are lucky he didn't put her eye out.

Even though she was off to a rocky start, she has adjusted well to her new home and roomies (me and Bob).  She is a laid back type of a gal who enjoys company and an occasional belly rub.   Maybe I could learn something from her!


Anonymous said...

Lovely cat that breed is my favourite. Glad she has found such a good home. What are you going to call her 'Saturday' or an abbreviation? Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Sorry me again, just got up and did'nt read that right she has a name silly me not at my best at this time of the morning. Bye and have a nice day. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Maggie is so cute and I am sure she will add much joy as you travel about.  Ouch, that ear job must have really hurt.  Poor baby!  But, she's safe and has a good home.  I am happy you adopted an adult cat.  They have such a hard time finding a home.


Anonymous said...

awwww, she's beautiful, despite the mean ole man cutting off a quarter of her ear.  Poor baby!  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I could just cry. Poor Maggie!!! Glad she's found a nice new home.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post :)


Anonymous said...

She's just beautiful!  I am longing for a cat, but with allergies, a big dog and 3 birds, it's not going to happen.  Thank you for your kind words of congratulations.  I love your journal.  Be blessed, Penny

Anonymous said...

That poee cat. What a jerk! Can somebody report him? Not to mention the insensitivity shown by the rest of the facility? Creeps!
But I am happy she is out of that place and with you guys. My cat  disappeared last Wed. I hope he has a Happy Ending like Maggie.

Anonymous said...

Hi , what a great deal for you all!!!!! Poor Maggie's ear. Good thing you got her now or maybe that man would of done more damage. F.Y.I. Feed her stuff like wet cat food. Cat food companys dont realy care about the health of your Kitty they only want to sell thier food.Becausebobcat has diabetes I have been learning alot about how it happens in cats. One of the primary culprits is dry cat foods. If you want more info I have lots of it. Kristin  P.S. thanks for the great jokes!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is awful, but it does not take away the fact, that she is gorgeous!  Just adds to her charm.

Anonymous said...

Some people just have no cat sense.  Maggie is lovely.  I am so happy for you.  It's is always nice to have a pet, even if we travel.  Now Maggie can be left in the camper and she's not going to bark at anyone and get you in trouble like our two big dogs would.   What happen to all you post and pictures.  Been anywhere breath takingly beautifuyl lately you want to share?
