Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Picture from Hometown   HAPPY THANKSGIVING DEAR FRIENDS       Our holiday feast  will be much like the first Thanksgiving dinner with a different groups of people coming together to celebrate the day.   Our table will sit eighteen, all neighbors and snow birds.  We will all share stories of Thanksgivings past with our families and a joke about how much snow some state just got.  We will talk about what  is going on in the park and about our children and grandchildren.  Some of us will bring pictures of new great grand baby twins.  Each will bring their best dish to share.  Of course there will be turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, whipped potatoes and assorted pies.  What a feast it will be.   And at the end of the day, all the threads of our past will be entwined to make up a happy winter family.  

Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings every day
Be they great or small.
Bow your head and humbly pray
To our Savior, Lord of all.

For life and health, and all good things,
For love and friendship, too.
For all the joy each new day brings
We give our heartfelt thanks to You.

The colors of a rainbow,
A sunset in the sky,
The sun, the moon and stars which glow
Are things we cannot buy.

The laughter of a child at play,
The miracle of birth,
A friendly smile along the way,
What are these blessings worth?

We see the flowers bloom in spring,
The colored leaves of fall.
We hear the birds so sweetly sing,
And thank God for them all.

Be thankful for each blessing,
And when you kneel and pray,
Give thanks at the beginning
And the end of every day.

                                                 ©1993, Dee Remade



Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful day!  Aren't we lucky to be able to enjoy this gorgeous weather?!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day you have planned have a great time and enjoy the company of all your friends. Love Joan.       Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful day.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to ya Dawn!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful Holiday