Tuesday, November 22, 2005

AOL and the ADS

  Please Don't Click Any Ad-Banners on This Blog.  I do not  endorse them.  They were put there by AOL without my permission.      Dawn

  I have given this ad problem some thought and have decided to stay put for now anyway.   Many of the journals have explained how to get rid of or at least not see the animated ads.  If you haven't seen the directions , here they are direct form Barb's journal, HEY, LET'S TALK.  

  Click Pop-Up Controls, then click on Block animated
media from AOL. Exit the page you're on, then access it again.
The ads should be gone. *** They are there as the page appears, then will be gone. At least they are so far.

The journal community will never be the same again.  Some wonderful writers have left for another blog community and some have switched to UK AOL, which will probably have this same fate in the future. Did anyone see the article in BusinessWeek's Blogspotting?    Here's the link if you are interested, Angry AOL bloggers now push boycotts  

 I hope that we can all visit back and forth like neighbors moving out of the neighborhood, but still remain friends.   Time will tell.          Dawn


Anonymous said...

Hello Dawn, when I am reading journals with banners if you just scroll up the banner goes away as easy as that.  Hope all is well with you and yours. Please don't move away. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

I was going to move away but decided to stay.  There's just so much history with my J-Land friends.  But, I did set up a blog over at blogger and that is a mirror copy of my J-Land journal just in case AOL acts a fool and makes things even worse.

Do stay, my friend.


Anonymous said...

I moved...but I'm still reading all my favorite journals who stayed on AOL too.