Saturday, October 22, 2005

VIVI Awards

Picture from Hometown     Hey,   I thought I was happy yesterday, BUT today I'm ecstatic.  Why you ask?  Because I was nominated for a  VIVI 2005 award.  

 Thanks to Barb from  HEY! LET'S TALK , who nominated my journal.   Barb herself was nominated for two categories, MOST EMOTIONAL JOURNAL and MOST INSPIRATIONAL JOURNAL.

  If you have not checked out this impressive list, please take the time to do so.  You won't be disappointed and you have interesting reading as well. 

 You really have to commend the committeee and Patrick for giving  so much of their time for us.  

   VIVI Awards 2005  


Anonymous said...

Congratulation to you wonderful lady.  I have enjoyed traveling along with you and Mr. Nomad as you live my dream.   Who knows, maybe one day my husband and I will follow in your footsteps, both traveling and getting nominated to best journals and stuff like that.


Anonymous said...

Congrats hon, and good luck.
Big hugs...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Vivi awards nomination!

Anonymous said...

How cool is that!  You've got a great journal and you certainly deserve to be recognized.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the VIVA nomination.  Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Condrads. My first time here, nice journal. Great pics of your travels too


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the nomination!!! Penny

Anonymous said...

Clapping!  Congrats on your Vivi nomination!

Anonymous said...

Along with you, I am nominated for the Best-Kept Secret journal.  I've been reading journals all night preparing to vote.  A shame I can't vote more than once in a few categories.  Good luck!  And of course,  Congratulations on your nomination.  We are all in good company.  Blessings, Penny

Anonymous said...

we love your journal, we voted for you, hope you win, always in good taste, funny, informative, great pictures, we learn a lot from your travels.  the gunsenhousers

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your nomination!!
I am so glad I have found this journal. You are living my dream. We aren't full timers, but we lhope to be someday. I will be back to your journal again. I have put you on my alerts.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!  I have enjoyed reading your journal and will enjoy reading more...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your well-deserved VIVI nomination.  I'm glad to have found your journal because of it, and I'll be back.


Anonymous said...

I nominated you guys too. LOL