Friday, October 28, 2005

Arizona State Fair

  Corn dogs, candy apples, fennel cakes, and pepper, onion and sausage    Yikes, where do we start?    I almost forgot, they had fried cheesecake on a stick too.. 

   Ok. I don't want you all drooling on the keyboard, so I won't tell you any more about the food.   They had lots of animals there and you could ride a number of them, including elephants and camels.  There were zebras, goats, barn animals, and a rat as big as a small dog.   Isn't that just so gross??  But there he was, a giant rat!  After seeing him, I was ready for a Margarita!  

 When we first got there we took a ride on the skyride to check out the scene from above, and get the layout of the land.  There was the usual agriculture center with all the fruits and veggies, flower building, midway games, pig races, and continuous entertainment on different stages around the park.  

 They had a cow sculptured out of 600 pounds of butter.  That's a lot of butter.  They also had other sculptures made from butter, a wolf and a cowboy.  Pretty cool.  

We walked out feet off, ate more than we should have, rode the carousel and enjoyed the friendship of our friends.  What more could we ask for?  


Anonymous said...

We're going to the AZ fair next Friday, and I can't wait!  Tempura is a smell I always associate with the fair.  I don't even know if they still sell it there anymore.

Anonymous said...

You looked like you had a great time at the fair and the weather looks so good we are wet and windy here in Scotland wish we were there. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Oh so that's where you are in Arizona.  I guess it's that time again isn't it?  Time to settle in someplace before the snow starts coming down to hard and deep.  Looks like you had lots of fun.  Happy Halloween to you and Trick or treat.
