Saturday, October 15, 2005

Palmos, Mexico

Tuesday the 11th

     We are in Deming N.M. and today visited Palomas, Mexico, about 30 miles from us.
  This is what they would call a one horse town in the olden days.  There is not much to see there, but a pharmacy, dentists, and The Pink Store. 
Here you can shop, eat, drink and I suppose be merry.   This is a large trinket shop and a pretty good sized restaurant.   It's a depressing  little town with wide spread poverty.  Women and children begging or trying to sell you some small item as you walk by.  There is a heavy security visibility all carrying large size billy clubs.

Despite our lack of interest in Palomas we did enjoy the ride there.  The town on the border is Columbus.  Another poor town.  Check out their Police Station to see where we came up with that idea.

Along the way there was a lot of border patrols, some on horseback, some setting up inspection stations along the road.  When we were walking across the border, we saw a border patrol car releasing about 12 Mexicans back  into Mexico.  At the inspection station each car had to stop and were questioned about citizenship.  They also looked in the back seat. 

Along this road we also spoted farms growing watermellons and red chili peppers.    We also found a historical landmark along the road.  It stated that the last invasion of the U.S. by a foreign country was the Pancho Villa Raid in 1916.  He killed everyone in town and then burned it down.

Wednesday,  Oct. 12th

  Today we traveled to another SKP park in Benson, AZ. and will be here for only two nights and then on to Mesa for the winter.   We have been getting emails this week from from other snow birds who are flocking to Mesa. It will be a good winter!
We crossed over the continental divide today too.  Oh, and wait till you see the pictures of the Texas Caynon (in AZ)

The reason we stopped here instead of going right through is that several months ago I broke Bob's Big Nose Kate  drinking glass.  Well, excuse me, you would have thought I'd taken a knife to his heart.  Well, it's time to pay the fiddler, we have to go to Tombstone and get another one.


Anonymous said...

It must be sad to see begging like that.


Anonymous said...

I have never been to Mexico, even though I lived in Texas for awhile.  It's just a bit scary to me.

Glad you are on your way to Mesa and getting ready for a great winter with some great friends.
