Sunday, October 9, 2005


TEXAS    Our adopted state

We left Louisiana at 7:30AM with a lovely rising sun peaking in our window.  We stopped for diesel at $3.20 a gallon.  Holy crap!  We hold 100 gallons. We traveled US 59 down to Livingston, TX, where we need to get our vehicles inspected and pick up our mail.  This is a secondary road, in very good condition.  We pass though a town named Bobo and Garrison, which advertises itself as the "biggest little town in Texas".  As we near Lufkin, we begin to see storm damage as many trees are down, roofs lifted off, tent campers in a church parking lot and abandoned cars along the road.  We also past a burned motorhome on the side of the road.  Diesel in Lufkin is up to $3.39 a gallon.  As we came into Livingston there again are all the signs of a major storm.  Our home park, Escapees,  have lost many trees and a few of then landed on  homes. Today, Tuesday, there are still over 5400 families that do not have electricity yet. 

Wednesday  Oct. 5th

   We are off to San Antonio today.  Still traveling on I-10.  We are seeing more signs stating "Don't Mess With Texas" or "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You".   We found that Texans are very proud of their state and them don't mind telling you what a great state it is.   We often tell them that we were not born there, but got there as soon as we could.  LOL   When we became full timers , we needed to declare a domicile for tax purposes.   We choose Texas as they acknowedge our existence  by making special rules applying only to us.  They welcome RV'ers with no state income tax, unlike Taxachusetts.  They also have a booklet giving step by step instructions to become a Texan.   They make exceptions for us when we are traveling and not in town for a jury duty.    The RV club that helps full timers is called The Escapee Club.  When we joined our membership number was 64227.  Membership now, five years later is 89,941, that's a lot of people running around this great country in an RV.

Thursday   Oct 6

On our way today to Fort Stockton.   We are hurring to get across Texas, it just seems to go on forever.  We are in what seems to be hill country.  Long dirt roads  off   the highway leading to heaven knows where.  The road are like ribbon candy going up and down endlessly.  It has started to rain, we really don't like driving in the rain.  We just drive a little slower.  A few miles further down the road we see two 18 wheelers completely on their sides.  This really slows us down.  Very sad.

Friday Oct 7th..

El Paso, Texas just across the Rio Grande River from Juarez, Mexico.   The Mexican influence in is imediately recognizable with the people, radio stations and language.   The sight at night from our front window looking over the river is lovely with all those lights.

We will be in until at least Sunday.  Next stop New Mexico.   We plan to be in Mesa Arizona by the 15th.   Called the phone company today.   Want it turned on the day before I get there.   YAH.

I was going to download some photos, but my connection is to slow.   Tomorrow we are moving on to New Mexico, maybe it will be a bit faster there.


Anonymous said...

Love reading your entries. I might not be traveling in your RV, but while I'm reading, it feels like I am.
Hugs, love & prayers,

Anonymous said...

I spent a few years living in Las Cruses NM and spent loads of time in El Paso. I have very fond memories from there.

Anonymous said...

Reading your entries just makes me want to take off. It sounds like such fun to be an "Escapee"