Thursday, May 12, 2005

Heading to Salt Lake

This morning we left Delta for Salt Lake, and I am so happy to be on our way.   I have had enough of no phone signal and no internet.

 We had  a memorable visit here meeting several townies and other travelers.  Parked to our right were Lee and Lanora from Parker, AZ.  Their card says "If we are not here, we are probably somewhere else."  Pretty cute aye?   On our other side we had visitors from England and Germany.  For their 60th birthday, their children gave them this trip to the states.  She is going to email me for details of my English heritage and see what she can find for me. 

While food shopping we ended up talking with the President of the Senior Center here.  She and her husband invited us to come to lunch there, can't go wrong here folks, $2.25 each and lots of friendly faces.  In fact we got a write up in the local weekly paper.   On one of our visits there they had gentleman who many years ago worked at the Topaz Relocation Camp.    He was extremely interesting  and brought pictures to pass around.

We  also had a young man Kurt, who camped in a tent across the way from us.  We became friends  for the few days he was here.  He came  from Minnesota to dig for fossils.  We invited him in for dinner and to play cards one night and he brought a delicious cake his wife had made him for the trip.  Before he left he gave us a fossil and a gem from Topaz Mountain he had found there.  He left this morning for home and promised to email us of his safe arrival home. 

Bob played a lot of golf here at the Sunset View Golf course, which is one of his favorites. Two years ago he had made friends with a Dan who retired from the Air Force and hooked up again with him.  Dan and his wife Linda went with us to get the best ribs in Utah.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy reading your journal and seeing your photos...thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Your journal is such a fun place to visit. I enjoy reading about your trips and who you meet. Hugs & prayers too. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Even without phone/access, it still sounded like a lovely visit. :-)