Sunday, February 27, 2005

Arizona's Renaissance Festival

Today we went to the Arizona Renissance Festival in Apache Junction and walked for 6 hours!  The fair is huge.  It is  a 30-acre village with King and his court,  castles, pubs, outside kitchens and artisans hawking their wares.  The village is filled with costumed characters, stages with entertainment and lots of fattening food to tempt the weak, like me.  Every fourth person or so was munching on large  turkey leg.   I prefer brisket with peppers and onions.  Yum.  

Upon entering the festival. the first person I noticed was a wonderful dressed wandering faerie  minstrel named "Twig."  Sure looked like a faerie to me.

We really enjoy today and felt no guilt eating all the goodies as we must have walked off most of the calories. 

  The sword swalling act was amazing and very entertaining.  The jousting tournament features stunt riders and combat activity was also a good take.  Each section of the arena was rooting for a different knight, with hooting and jeers.  Lots of fun.


Saturday, February 26, 2005

Commemorative Air Force Museum at Falcon Field Airport

  This morning Steven is back to the snow and ice in Massachusetts, with a Northeaster expected the first of the week.  We had a great visit.   

 The day before he left we visited the Commemorative Air Force Musseum, which is located right here in Mesa.  Steven was particular interested in  this as his Dad is a Air Force career man.   They have a very large display of  WW11 planes both inside and outside the hangers.   I was more interested in the memorabillia as clothing, rationed coupon books, and Rosie- the- Riveter.  

At night we attended a Variety Show here at the park.  There is such a large group of talented people here.  Seniors are enjoying life and giving their all.  I don't have an ounce of entertainment ability.  I would have to do a comedy act of some sort!      Have a good day.  

    Tomorrow we are going to the Renaissance Festival.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


We have had a fun week with Steven .  Seeing things are always more fun with a child around.  The other day we went to Tortilla Flat, a popular day trip on the historic Apache Trail.  The road up the mountain twists and climbs upward and allows  us the most spectacular views.  Over one hundred years ago Tortilla Flat was a thriving stage coach stop and a stop for the construction worker working on the Roosevelt Dam.  

Today the only restaurant is called Superstition Saloon and is famous for its Killer Chili and huge half-pound hamburgers.  One of the most memorable thing about this restaurant is that the walls and ceiling are covered with dollar bills from all over the world.   It's all about atmosphere including saddles to sit on at the bar instead of a stool. 

 At night we taught Steven to play Mexican Train with friends Mary and Chuck.  Now he wants  to buy a set for home with his family.

Monday, February 21, 2005

A visitor from home.

Yesterday was just a good day for us.    My forever friend's grandson Steven , who is 11, flew from RI. to Arizona all by himself to spend a few days with us. He came two years ago when he was 9 also.  He just loves to travel and we are just as happy to see him.

  It is a 6 hour flight and he was hungry when left the airport.  We stopped at a pizza buffet, right up his alley.  He especially enjoyed the dessert pizza.  

 This morning Steven went with Bob to his softball play offs.  After lunch we went to the Goldfield Ghost town   and to the Superstition mountain.  I took lots of pictures and then deleted them.  What a screw up.  I feel so bad.  The weather doesn't look promising this week.  Hope I get a chance to take a few more pictures for him to take home.

  After we had finished supper,  Bob and Steven went for a bike ride, and cleaned up the kitchen.  Joy joy, lucky me.

Surprise Surprise

Saturday I got an email from neice Pam.  She said her son Aaron and his wife Christi just had a baby born on Valentines day.  The baby girl weight 8lbs 8oz and was 19in long .  And now for the best surprise, they named it Chandler Dawn, after me.  How cool is that?  I had better start knitting!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

This and That

The wind has welcomed you with softness,

The sun has blessed you with its warm hands,

        You have flown so high and so well,

        That God has joined you in laughter,

And sent you gently back again into the loving

                        Arms of Mother Earth.

Unown writer

The other day we went to  Skydive Arizona.  This is the world's largest skydiving center and draws  visitors from all over the world.  When we were there there were teams from France, Belgium, and Japan. It appears to be a training camp of choice throughout the states and the world.   It's a large complex including bunkhouses, a pool, coaching, restaurants, rec hall and a camping area as well.

Our friends Mary and Chuck went  with us and after a very short time, Chuck thought this was something he would like to do and Mary  thought it would be a good Valentines Day gift to remember.

For first time jumpers the tandem jump is recommended. They jump from 13,000 feet and free fall to 5,000 feet.  He also was in control of the ripcord to pull the parachute.  Mary was so glad to see that open up.  He absolutly loved the jump.  They also videoed it for him.  What a thrill!

Catch you all later.  Have a wonderful time.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Lucky's luck runs out.

Lucky's luck runs out

A chicken called Lucky, which helped its owner pick out winning lottery numbers, has been eaten by a fox.

Lucky was rescued by Billy Gibbons who found it close to death while he was out walking in 2003, reports the Daily Post.

A week later, while recuperating at Mr Gibbon's Cheshire home, it tapped five numbers into a calculator and netted its owner £1,300.

But Lucky's number finally came up when Mr Gibbons forgot to lock its coop and it was snatched by a fox.

Mr Gibbons, 48, said: "I am upset if any of my chickens get killed by a fox. That was obviously a special chicken.

"I rescued it from certain death. I think it knew that and it followed me everywhere."

Mr Gibbons is now trying to train his remaining hens to peck out numbers too but admitted: "It's not quite the same."

Article from Ananova

Thursday, February 10, 2005

We're back!

Early Monday morning we took our coach in for a few repairs and our annual oil and filter change.  One on the problems we were having was with the windshield wipers.  They thought the problem was with the switch.  They found a switch but it would take 5-10 days to be delivered.  We paid extra to have them over night it to us, thinking we would only have to be there one night.  Wrong.   The next day they put in the new switch and it only cure half the problem.  Next they thought that maybe the motor was no good.  This turned out not to be the problem either.  They did find a loose wire that was giving a false reading on our alternator gauge and change the oil ( 32 quarts) and lighten our bank account by $745.91.   Yikes.  

 So after three days of living on  their grounds, we are glad to be back at Good Life.   I missed you all.  

 Life goes on even in a parking area of the dealership.  Yesterday I met the Red Hatters for lunch at Anzio's Landing.  It is  hubby's favorite restaurant in Mesa.  It's located at the local airfield with large windows to view the incoming planes.   Some land in a small field right beside the restaurant and come in for lunch.  Must be nice to be able to do that.  Anyway the food is wonderful and the atmosphere is relaxing.  So if you have a little plane fly on down, I'll meet you there. LOL

Sunday, February 6, 2005


  Tonight the streets will be empty, but many families and friends will gather in living rooms in front of the TV as Patriot Nation settles in for Super Bowl XXXIX.  

 It is the third time in four years that New England's team has played for the National Football League title, but it still as exciting as the first time.  Tonight  New England takes on  the Philadelphia Eagles.   Being Red Sox fan, I can't help but feel a little compassion for a team that has never won a Super Bowl title  and whose last championship came in 1960.  But just a little!  GO PATS !  

   "Brady, Brady, He's our man. If he can't do it  nobody can."

Friday, February 4, 2005

Mardi Gras Parade and a Softball Game

  Yesterday we had a Mardi Gras parade here in the park.  I think it was a success and will be  a yearly activity.  There were about 10 entries, which is pretty good for the first time.  The Good Life band was on hand to liven up the party as well.  

 Today I went and watched our softball team play.  We won 23-7.  The ladies  cheered like high schoolers for  each runner as they crossed home plate.     

We got there early so we were able to watch the senior league ladies, the Queen Bees play.  Boy they were great,  They play in the men's league and have beaten all the teams at one time or another.  

Tomorrow we plan to get all our chores done so that we can sit back Sunday and watch the Patriots beat the pants off the Eagles.   We are having a Super Bowl party here at the park, $2 per person and all the beer you can drink.  They will make money on me as I am not a beer drinker. They have set up three large TV's and we will all bring finger foods to share.  I'm excited about the game just thinking about it.   Go Pats !!!!!!