Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This exhibit was advertised as a once in a life time opportunity limited engagement.   Well Bob and I and friends wanted experience this 2000 years of Vatican art and history. 
One of the first things we noticed was that all that glitters is not gold.  All items that we remember were gold plated over silver.   They looked good though.
In the advertisements it was said to display the architect's compass belonging to Michelangelo.   Under the display at the museum , it stated it might have been his or like his.
We felt strongly that "The Mandylion of Edessa", believed to be the earliest representation of the face of Jesus, was a replica, as it was brilliant in color, hard to believe it was original.
Another section  was all about the Swiss Guard who protects the have protected the Popes since 1506. On display were uniforms and decorated armor.
Section 9 was liturgical vestments and Pope Pius Vll's papal tiara, containing one of the  world's largest emeralds.   No guards in sight!
One of the exhibition's most dramatic rooms, this recreated environment takes visitors onto the scaffolding near the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, to explore how Michelangelo painted his famous frescoes.   I once read that he did not want to paint the ceiling as he considered himself a poet more than an artist.
Taking pictures was not allowed, but got these from the Internet.
All in all , we were disappointed with the exhibit, but we did have a nice day and lunch with friends.

Friday, April 11, 2008

More Of This and That

Another busy week.     We had a visit from friends of ours, Shirley and Gary from Arizona this week .  What a nice day we had with them catching up with all the news and finding out what they have been up too.   The day just flew by and before we knew it they were off, as they were leaving the next morning.  We have missed them and enjoyed their visit.
Tonight we had friends over and played a card game "Hand and Foot".  Guys against the girls.   We keep a running score.  We tied tonight.  The boys were lucky!!
Some of you have asked what kind of a game is "Mexican Train", it is a domino game, played with a double twelve set of 91 dominoes..   Lots of fun.  Here  are the rules for those of you that are interested
We are still unpacking.   It's a slow process! LOL
Tomorrow night 10 of us are going out for Chinese food and crab legs.  Oh, how I love crab legs.  Bob doesn't eat them as he says it is just to much work to get at the meat. Sunday Mary and Carl are having all 10 of us over for lunch and then the guys will watch the "Masters" on their 72 inch TV.
Last, but not least.  Ever wonder how to say  thank you when you see a military person in uniform?  
See a simple way to do it from across a room or as you are passing  by.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Hope you all have a great weekend.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

It's Christmas here!

Well here I sit among rows of boxes on every available wall in the kitchen, dining room, living room and back porch.  They are stacked somewhat neatly.  Bob is losing sleep as he worries where in the hell is he going to put all "your stuff".  I tell him  "deal with it", this doesn't make him smile.   I have to admit that  I question my own sanity when I packed all this "stuff".   We have found some treasures and also found some stuff that did not belong to us.  Two of the boxes were my son's, ( boxes were stored at his house), So I called him and informed  him I that  had a box of his wife's clothes here. He says " How do you know it is our box Mom" and I told him I never had a key chain that said "Sexy  Bitch"on it!
Yesterday we went to a neighbor's wedding.  He is 85 and she is somewhere near that.  He has a RV and they are going to hit the rode for the summer.  The wedding was beautiful and they looked pretty spiffy.
Last night we played Mexican Train with some friends that dropped.  Fun time.
I had better get back to unpacking.  See what new surprises await me.   Happy Sunday everyone.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This and That

Wow, April Fools Day and so far no one has fooled me!   I guess I know all the tricks now.    Bob went golfing this morning  and I went to an early meeting with the girls and then out to breakfast.  From there we checked out the local Hospice store.  You never know what treasures they have there any given day.
I started to make a list today of all the things we wanted to do or see before we leave Florida.   The list was bigger than I expected.
OH,  by the way, on my March 9th entry, I asked if anyone knew where I could find lime green chair cushions, well, friends Mary and Marianne found them for me.   Thanks guys.They spotted them at the Burlington Coat Factory!       The name  of the game was perseverance.   I love the way they look.
I had a nice surprise today.   The local florist delivered me a lovely flower  birthday cake.  Yes, I was almost a fool, tomorrow is my birthday.
Sometime this week we are expecting a moving van to deliver things that we put in storage eight years ago when we started this adventure.   It will be like Christmas, not remembering what was saved and boxed.  My cedar chest was the biggest item as we did not store any other furniture.  Bob can't imagine where we will put anything, but it's my "stuff" and I want it!  
Gotta get out of here.  Take care.   Catch you later.