Sunday, March 9, 2008

Busy Times

 Elephant Ears, so good.
These signs were great.
Charlie Pride concert
Western entertainment.
Just opening, no crowds yet!
Strawberries, strawberries everywhere.
  Cake decorating.
    Still  have a busy schedule here in Florida.   Bob was recently in the hospital for observation and they found nothing conclusive.  He is fine and back to a full schedule of golf,cooking at the park breakfasts, cribbage, and a lot of cards with friends.   Last night we went to church with Mary and Carl and Marianne and Jim.  After we went to Chili's for dinner.  It seems that it was happy hour when we got there.  Being in a party mood we all ordered a drink, and when they were delivered, there was two for each of us.  Yum  What a deal!
Last week we went to the Strawberry Festival.  Weather was beautiful and we did a lot of walking around.
This is a community fair, being smaller than the county fair or state fair.   What could be more community than Plant City, where all local farmers have worked long and hard to bring the strawberries to market. Over 5,000 acres are planted annually.  That's a lot of strawberries.
Along with wicked good strawberry shot cake, the fair is a feast for all.  We went with friends of 40 years or so,  Art and Ginny from Georgia.   Young and old enjoy the  competitions and contests combined with exhibits of agriculture, commerce, livestock, arts, homemade goods, crafts and entertainment  that's hard to match.   On the day we were there we saw The Southern Star Bluegrass Band and also Charlie Pride. Does anyone remember Charlie singing  "Kiss An Angel Good Mornin'" ?
I guess I had better finish off here and download a few photos.  Hope you all had a good weekend..
PS    I'm have a heck of a time trying to find solid lime green or yellow dinning room chair pads.  Anyone know where they have them?          Dawn


Anonymous said...

Your the second person to write about Strawberry fair' it just makes me hungary, good to hear you all in such great spirits, thanks for sharing

Take care


Anonymous said...

Looks like you have been doing a lot of fun stuff. Our strawberry fest is a long time away! lol Hey did you get a corn dog at the fair? I love those! Glad to hear your having such a great time. Also glad to hear that Bob is fine.
Loved the pictures.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Great pictures ,what are elephants ears? so pleased Bob is fine and enjoying all his activities,cant help with the cushion pads lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Such fun!!   I can't wait for the warmer weather here in NY so I could go out and PLAY!
I searched for some pads....sent you an email.

Nancy (not the Nancy you thought I was)!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the  The fair looks marvy!

be well,

Anonymous said...

The fair looks like fun! We have a local "Strawberry Festival" out here, too. It's pretty fun...very similar to what your pics show.
Glad things are going well. Your weather looks great!

Anonymous said...

Re: Chair Pads - I saw some that looked close to lime at Linens 'n Things. I remember looking at them and thinking "those aren't dark enough green for me". LOL

Anonymous said...

Looks like a really good time!  I love those small fairs.  :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting me, and I am so glad I found your blog, it's just wonderful. If it's okay, I would like to link it to my own and visit you regularly. I adore anything to do with Florida, it's my fav place in the whole world ( and that, coming from a Brit! ). Stay well,