Friday, February 8, 2008

This and That

I'm sure you have heard by now that the New York Giants spoiled the Pats perfect season.  It was a sad day
and it deleted a perfectly good party. Oh well, I guess we won't see another season like that for years to come.
My friend Carol is coming in today to spend the week with us.  Carol comes from a cold and snowy Massachusetts.   We also have good friends here from Georgia that are staying in another park and a couple from Ma.  They also are in a another park. When we wintered in Arizona, friends never came, now that we are in the East, that's a different story. 
We went to a flea market the other day and found a card shuffler that takes six decks.   Perfect for us as we play a lot of Hand and Foot.   Are you familiar with this game? 
The state fair started yesterday.  Looks like a good take.  Our park has a weekly Bingo game.  Some people have more luck than others in Bingo. Mary, Bunny and Marla win fairly often, but Marianne and I consistently lose, talk about the biggest loser, it us!!!
Gotta run and take a shower and head out to the airport, look out Florida, Carol  will be in town.  Have a great day friends and take care of each other.
I almost forgot to show you my new rooster.     Isn't he the cutest?


Anonymous said...

I've never heard of "Hand and Foot" card game.  Have fun with your friend.  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

Have fun this weekend with your assorted guests, youll have to explain "Hand and foot"
Hope your Dad is getting better

Take care


Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn, sorry your team lost at the weekend but it took a Scot to score the winner.  Have a good weekend with your friend.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, only one team can be the winner, Dawn - it wasn't to be the Pats' day :-)

Anonymous said...

What's 'hand and foot'?
