Saturday, February 2, 2008

Super Bowl XLll

With a win this Sunday, the case would for this will be overwhelming.  That's right folks, unless you have been living under a rock, you know that Sunday is Super

Bowl  Sunday.   The N. Y. Giants vs the N. E.
Patriots.      The New England Patriots are on the verge of becoming the first NFL team to go 19-0.
Big party here Sunday.  Folks have been planning, cooking, decorating in the Pats colors, and my Pats flag is hanging outside.  
 If you are not a football fan, this would be the game to watch.   If the Pats win, this will be a history making game, unbeatable all season and then winning the Super Bowl.  Nothing could be finer.  This is also a big day for the latest and best commercials, mostly really cute. 
Here is a cute song about the Pats after the 18th game... check out our cute quarterback while you are at it ladies.
GO PATS         GO BRADY              


Anonymous said...

Sorry Sandra its all greek to me I can't even figure the names of you team. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn me back have been looking at today newspaper and have a bit more knowledge now and  I'm afraid I will have to support New York Giants as one of there key players is a Scot someone by the name of Lawrence Tynes according to the paper he scored a 47yd goal kick to put out the Green Bay Packers.  One of our TV channels is showing the game live so maybe I will have a wee look at what is going on. May the best team win.........Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I got your name wrong in my first comment unforgivable. Sorry again.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

We live about three blocks from the stadium, and the traffic was horrendous this morning.  You can certainly tell the SuperBowl, and all it's fans, are here in town.  Have fun watching the game.  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn.
Wish I cared more about the Pats, it would make it more fun. Loved the song though, that was hysterical!!!!!! Hope they win, just for you!

Anonymous said...

It's still no match for rugby.

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of the Pats and I enjoyed the heck out of the SuperBowl, but I've been where you are before so you have my sympathy.

I remember expecting to win it all and then losing to the underdog (in my case, that f*ing Elway in the SuperBowl vs. my Packers).

It sucked and in some ways this whole state is still getting over it . . hope you and yours pop back quicker.
