Tuesday, June 26, 2007

This and That

This and That
 We are back in Massachusetts for our annual doctor's visit and as always we look forward to renewing old friendships and seeing family.  
 We came in early this year as we were invited to a Air Force Retirement ceremony  for  our friend  MSgt Steven Crowley.  The formal ceremony was impressive and presented well.  The schedule of events were as follows:  Welcome, Official Party Arrival, National Anthem, Invocation, Retirement Orders, Flag folding ceremony, Comments from the Commanders, Presentations, Comments from Steven and lastly the Official Party Departure.  Can you believe I forgot my camera?    DAH!
After all the  pomp and circumstance, the Irish lived up to their image and partied hardy.   It was such a grand night and allow us all to thank Steven for his 23 years of service to our country and to show our appreciation for his distinguished  career.
Wow, It sure was warm today.   You know what I did?    Spent the day in the pool, only coming out meals and bathroom runs.    Boy, I'll pay the price tomorrow catching up with the work left undone today.  And how was your day?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Great News From Lahoma

   I just got off the phone with Lahoma and the doctor was just in and informed her that she is now in 100% remission.   Praise God.    
 She has developed a slight infection which she is being given antibiotics.   She will meet next with the team and they will let her know if she still will be given the marrow transplant or not. 
It is a sunny  day for her as Robert and Cameron are there for a visit.    
 Dawn   Doing The Happy Dance

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Flag Day and Other Ramblings

June is one busy month, lots going on, graduations, schools out, June weddings, summer camp begins, Fathers Day and today is Flag Day.  It's not celebrated as highly as the 4th of July, but we should.  Flag day is a day for all Americans to show respect for our flag and for all it stands for.   Many American have given their life for the flag.  I think my favorite picture is the flag planted on the moon surface.

Another event, not nearly as important as Flag Day, but none the less is important to us.   We are home in Beverly, Massachusetts for the next 2 or 3 months.  Me doing the happy dance.   Coming home is always a emotional experience sharing stories with friends and families, shedding tears of those passed, lots of laughter of times one by and rekindling friendships that have been missed.  The best part of going home is just being around the people that you care about.

A big thanks to Barb from HEY LET'S TALK for the caring entry she made about Lahoma.  Take the time to read it and send off a note or card to Lahoma yourself.

Another thanks goes out to Greg over at  Photo Trek for  featuring a photo of mine today.  I feel honored as he is such a wonderful  photographer .   Be sure to check out his photos.

 Love to all.  Sorry I have not been over to check out  your most recent entries, but I will be able to do more now that we have a connection.  YEA         Dawn

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Beautiful Ohio

Today we are in Ohio so it must be Tuesday.  We left Indiana at 8:45 this morning and arrived here at 1:30.
From the start we were towered over with dark black skies and rain.  Mid-morning the sky started to lighten up displaying an occasional hint of a peeking out sun.  Along the way were lush farm lands, cows grazing and  a Amish horse and carriage.
We stopped for diesel along the way, $2.71 a gallon, that price includes a small discount from  the Flying J gives us big guys!   With a 100 gallon tank, I guess they can afford to give up a little.  God Bless Them.
Did you know that Ohio is the only state to have  adopted an official rock song?  Well they do and you probably know it too.  "Hang on Sloopy"  The song was written by Ohio guys for the McCoys, who were from Ohio.  The song was about a gal called Sloop, who also sang and was from Ohio.  The official state ballad is
    Beautiful Ohio, where the golden grain
    Dwarf the lovely flowers in the summer rain. 
You Know You Are In Ohio If
You've heard of 3.2% beer.
You know all the 4 seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Construction.
You know what a buckeye really is, and have a recipe for candy ones.
You've heard of the Great Nickel Beer Night Riot.
You know that Serpent Mounds were not made by snakes.
You know what game they're playing when the Mud Hens take on the Clippers.
 You know what's knee-high by the Fourth of July.
You know which leaves make good toilet paper.
So I guess that's it for now.    Tomorrow we will leave for the Morgantown area in West Virginia.  I hope we have a sunny day.   Take care of each other.