Sunday, September 3, 2006

This and That

It seems that I just blinked my eye and the summer is over.  Our visit in New England will end this Friday.  We are meeting up with friends this Friday night at the Mohegan Casino in Conn.  Our plans are to travel with them until we get to Georgia and spend a week or so at Bald Ridge, and then slowly head south for the winter.
Leaving our family and friends always difficult.   My forever friend Carol and I always end up bawling and it is so unlike us. Bob knows the routine and tries to more us along rather than have two crying women saying so long.  LOL
The news reporter and  the  photographer were on Thursday,   Lord only knows what they will write.  The reporter asked endless questions about us and our lifestyle and Jim, the  photographer, took lots of pictures, even of our cat Maggie, which he promised to email me.
They think it will be in the Wednesday paper, I hope that it is, as we would like to see it before we go.
It is a rainy weekend here in Beverly, Birthplace of the American Navy, in case you didn't know that!  A good weekend to get things done around here inside the coach, although we had plan to visit some friends that we wanted to see before we left.  So much for good intentions, I guess.  I tend to keeping pushing things into the cabinets and before I know it, we can hardly close the door.  Yesterday we stocked the freezer with our favorite meat from the Butchery,  ( sorry Shirley, no room for haddock ) and stocked up on can goods and fluff that we can only buy here.  


Anonymous said...

You will be sorry to leave all you  friends. Hope you have a lovely journey south for the winter (just like the geese)  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

You are so blessed to lead the lifestyle that you do!  I hope you get to see the news article.  

Anonymous said...

You're right, the summer flew by!  Seems like just yesterday you were writing about leaving Arizona!

Anonymous said...

i wanna see the article too. do they have an online version of the paper?

summer did go by too fast. i didn't get to do anything again this year. it's depressing and i hate winter.

Anonymous said...

You are so right. The summer just flew by. I just wrote about that recently in my journal.

So you came to New England this summer How nice. I am living in Maine. (Southern Coastal) There is no where else I would rather be in the summertime. Winters are a different story. I am glad you enjoyed yourself.

Happy Travels.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
I am sure the article will be great. You will have to post a copy on here if you can, or give us a link so that we can look it up for ourselvels,

Anonymous said...

Summer, when did that happen? Hope the article comes out ok and have a good journey south.

Anonymous said...

Ahave a great trip down south i have you on my alerts !

Anonymous said...

hey have a great time... I came across your journal by accident (my brain is in pain) but so far i have enjoyed what i have seen... good job... Helen

Anonymous said...

have a safe trip , Dawn and Bob, and we will see you inAZ probably in Nov. some time, bring that newspaper with you, would like to read it!  pearl & Gus Indiana.

Anonymous said...

Dawn! Which newspaper? You know my parents live up in MA. I'd love to point them to the article. They think my online pals are figments of my imagination, I think. LOL!

Anonymous said...

You gotta tell us about the article and if we can see it on line.


Anonymous said...

heya Dawn ((hugs)).... thanks for ur nice welcome.... look forward to reading about ur joys and woes in life .
                                 Shaun xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Very cool!  I hope the article will be online...

be well,