Thursday, September 28, 2006

Along The Way

Cape Hatteras is one of our most favorite stops.  The last time we were here we had to leave the island because of a hurricane.   This visit we were blessed with wonderful days full of sunshine and warm sea breezes. I have always lived near the ocean and love the sound of the ocean  crashing in the shore and that wonderful salty smell.  The smell alone quickens my pulse, I love it so. 
Miles and miles of seashore,( 409 square miles) large beaches and many small more imitate beaches are everywhere along the road.  And to make our beach outings a little better, there were surfers everywhere.  Each afternoon when the wind picked up, almost immediately appeared wind surfers, parasailing,  and kite surfers.  I had never seen kite surfers close up before.  They use a harness type set up  and the kite is filled with air.  Pretty interesting to watch them get set up.  The beaches are also perfect for shelling and beach combing too. The best time to look for shells are after a high tide or storm.  I im
agine that these beaches are very crowed during the summer months, but we feel privileges to be there after Labor Day when vacations are over and the kids are back in school.  The beaches are ours, a bonus of being a senior citizen.  But don't let that fool you, getting old is not for sissy's!
Georgia on My Mind
One of our favorite campgrounds is a Core of Engineer Park in Cumming, Georgia.  The sites are extra large, and it is a well maintained park.  We are here with our friends Ginny and Art, who live in the area.. We have been traveling with them since we left N.E., but all good things must end.  They have been gone all summer and now  it's time to stop in their home and see the children and grandchildren.  At this time full timing is not in their future, but happly go for  a few months at a time.  They have the best of all worlds.  We also miss our friends Pat and Ken who usually camp here when we come into town.  Ken is recovering at home from a heart attack.  He is doing well and for that we are thankfull.
We are now catching up on all the work that was not done while we played on the beaches.  I only wish they had Wi-Fi here.  I really hate having no way to get on the internet.  I miss reading all your journals and find out what is going on in J-Land.   I am at Ginny and Art's right now and I am one happy gal!    Love to all.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
I absolutely love your photographs of Cape Hatteras beach and the kite surfing - fantastic shots. It sounds like you are in a place you love right now. Enjoy yourselves and take care,

Anonymous said...

Great entry ,Ilove the picture and yes can almost smell it myself ,The Kite flying one is amazing Iwouldnt dare do it though would you ? lol ,'Geogia  on my mind 'lovely ,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE the outer banks and Cape Hatteras.  Its been years since I've been, but will eventually find my way back.


Anonymous said...

Hope your next stop has an internet connection so you can keep in touch. Take care. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

WOW wish I could be as free spirited as you guys! Maybe when the kids fly the nest! Enjoy every minute, time is so precious.
Julie xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful place.Showed the kids, they weren't impressed.LOL
Wish I could show them in person, then they would get it!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pics!!!  Can't wait to see more....

be well,

Anonymous said...

Hello friend!
The time has come
It's here at last!
Click the link
And do it fast!
Prepare yourself, oh
You must be brave!
For Halloween is
out from it's grave.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those beach pictures are beautiful!  It makes me wish I was at the beach!


Anonymous said...

I love going to the beach after Labor Day too Dawn!!!!! I love the sound and the smell of the ocean!!!!! I was in Cumming Ga a few months ago for a concert!!!! We are so close but yet so far away!!!! Maybe one day we will meet!!! Safe travels!!!

Anonymous said...

that beach sound heavenly! way too cool!