Thursday, September 14, 2006

Quick Hello

Just a quick hello as we are leaving for Williamsburg shortly.  I'm sorry not to have visited your many alerts, but we have had no Internet for the last several  days and  have I missed it!!! 
We are now in a camp ground that nickel and dimes you to death.  An example of this is the charge of their Wi-Fi, we had to pay $8 extra.  Can you believe that?    Once we are out of  the New England area, it is free in most resorts. 
Yesterday we saw a leak under the coach.  Turned out it was the hi pressure line that controls the power steering broke, cost $800.00, but the good news, they didn't charge us to spend the night there.
Anyway dear friends, have a good day.


Anonymous said...

Everything is so expencive nowadays its a wonder they do not charge for the air we breath.  Am following you journey south. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Have a good trip and post when you can .....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your costly toubles with the Power Steering .

good thing you found the Problem while you were parked ...

Am sure you were happy not to be change for spending the night there ...

Well safe traveling ...  hopefully no more Problems ...

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope you are able to get back on the road OK! I love Williamsburg. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oooh I can't wait to see and hear about Williamsburg...

be well,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ouch $800.  Phew, I bet you're glad that's over with.

I love Williamsburg.  Just sooooo pretty.

I don't think we can hook  up when you are in Bald Mountain.  I think that's the time I have to go to company training from the new company that bought us.  :-(


Anonymous said...

Lovely journal. Keep up the great work and traveling!


Anonymous said...

So glad to see your post!!  Not happy of course about the unexpected repair of $800.00. Ouch! Just happy to see you are both rolling along. :-)

Take care.