Thursday, September 28, 2006

Along The Way

Cape Hatteras is one of our most favorite stops.  The last time we were here we had to leave the island because of a hurricane.   This visit we were blessed with wonderful days full of sunshine and warm sea breezes. I have always lived near the ocean and love the sound of the ocean  crashing in the shore and that wonderful salty smell.  The smell alone quickens my pulse, I love it so. 
Miles and miles of seashore,( 409 square miles) large beaches and many small more imitate beaches are everywhere along the road.  And to make our beach outings a little better, there were surfers everywhere.  Each afternoon when the wind picked up, almost immediately appeared wind surfers, parasailing,  and kite surfers.  I had never seen kite surfers close up before.  They use a harness type set up  and the kite is filled with air.  Pretty interesting to watch them get set up.  The beaches are also perfect for shelling and beach combing too. The best time to look for shells are after a high tide or storm.  I im
agine that these beaches are very crowed during the summer months, but we feel privileges to be there after Labor Day when vacations are over and the kids are back in school.  The beaches are ours, a bonus of being a senior citizen.  But don't let that fool you, getting old is not for sissy's!
Georgia on My Mind
One of our favorite campgrounds is a Core of Engineer Park in Cumming, Georgia.  The sites are extra large, and it is a well maintained park.  We are here with our friends Ginny and Art, who live in the area.. We have been traveling with them since we left N.E., but all good things must end.  They have been gone all summer and now  it's time to stop in their home and see the children and grandchildren.  At this time full timing is not in their future, but happly go for  a few months at a time.  They have the best of all worlds.  We also miss our friends Pat and Ken who usually camp here when we come into town.  Ken is recovering at home from a heart attack.  He is doing well and for that we are thankfull.
We are now catching up on all the work that was not done while we played on the beaches.  I only wish they had Wi-Fi here.  I really hate having no way to get on the internet.  I miss reading all your journals and find out what is going on in J-Land.   I am at Ginny and Art's right now and I am one happy gal!    Love to all.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Just A Minute

Sorry I have not been able to add an entry for a while, but have not had internet access.  I am at the library today.  Hopefully I can add something more interesting tomorrow, when we are visiting a friend.

We are currently in Georgia and the weather is just perfect.  Love to you all.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Catch Up Entry

Just to catch you all up a bit, we left Beverly Friday the 8th.  From there we went to the Mohegan Sun Casino in Conn. to meet up with old friends, Ginny and Art.  They have a lovely new motorhome and we are planning on traveling with them to Georgia where they live. We made a donation to the casino and had a good reunion dinner with friends, can't beat that.
Saturday, we traveled to Kutztown, Pa.  and went to a good  farmers market.  The only trouble, it was closing an hour after we got there, but we were able to buy a few things.   That evening we had dinner in a Pennsylvania Dutch Hotel, named Haag's Hotel.  This is a family run restaurant.   Sunday, we cooked in and especially enjoyed Art's ribs and fresh beets, corn, and bread from the farmers market.  We decided to stay here 3 nights.  Monday we found an Italian restaurant that we had gone to before.  Very nice.
Tuesday and Wednesday in Virginia.
Thursday Sept. 14th.and 15th, We are staying in Williamsburg.   Art and Ginny have never been to Williamsburg and wanted to see it. I think we will pass or this and find other things to do, as we have been here before.
After having our steering line replace, the coach seems to be running well.  It always worries us with the extreme bumpy roads coming  and going from New England.   We can't stop thinking what is being loosened up that we can't see. 
This park which we are in is supposed to have Wi-Fi, but it so psoriatic, it isn't worth the trouble.
Saturday Sept.  16th     We have arrived at Camp Hatteras on the Outter Banks of N.
C.   The park itself is large, clean and windy.  The wind hasn't stopped since we got here, which means our  Direct TV is on and off every few minutes.  The free Wi-Fi is effected the same way.  You can't stay on line more than 2 minutes at a time.  I am writing this off line, in hope that I can put it in my journal later.
Sunday, still off line writing,  Hopes are fading now! LOL   Today we are going sight seeing.    Catch you later maybe. 
Monday......5PM    They fixed Wi-Fi!!   Yea   Now   until Thursday morning, I'll be trying to catch up with you all.   Today we went to the beach, right over the sand dunes where we are staying.  The waves were very strong, but beautiful.  We were told there was a strong undertow there, so we only went into the water up to our knees.  When coming out of the water, it was very difficult to stay on your feet with the pull of the waves. 
Tuesday we checked out the 208 feet tall Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, which is the tallest brick lighthouse in the country.   If your up to it, you can climb the 268 steps for a spectacular view of the national seashore.
We also made a stop at the Wright Brothers National Memorial.  This is a wonderful exhibit reminding us all about the first manned controlled aircraft.   Wilbur and Orville took turns trying out each flight.  The first one lasted only 12 seconds.   But for the first time, a manned heavier-than-air machine left the ground by it's own power.  This was 1903.  Now within two generations we have taken to the air for routine travel, seen an aircraft break the sound barrier, and watched a man walk on the moon.  "We've come a long way baby".

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Quick Hello

Just a quick hello as we are leaving for Williamsburg shortly.  I'm sorry not to have visited your many alerts, but we have had no Internet for the last several  days and  have I missed it!!! 
We are now in a camp ground that nickel and dimes you to death.  An example of this is the charge of their Wi-Fi, we had to pay $8 extra.  Can you believe that?    Once we are out of  the New England area, it is free in most resorts. 
Yesterday we saw a leak under the coach.  Turned out it was the hi pressure line that controls the power steering broke, cost $800.00, but the good news, they didn't charge us to spend the night there.
Anyway dear friends, have a good day.

Friday, September 8, 2006

Rolling Along

Well, we are on our way sometime in the next hour or so. Good-bys have been said and a few tears have been shed.  Leaving a safe harbor is always a little scary but we are nomads and our feet are really itchy.
 We just got a copy of the newspaper article.  Holy cow, it made the front page, it must be a slow news day.  It is titled " Rolling Along".  It includes 4 photos.  Can''t believe it.  It is not on line yet, but should be later this morning.   We're outta here.   Love to all.
Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!
~Author Unknown

Sunday, September 3, 2006

This and That

It seems that I just blinked my eye and the summer is over.  Our visit in New England will end this Friday.  We are meeting up with friends this Friday night at the Mohegan Casino in Conn.  Our plans are to travel with them until we get to Georgia and spend a week or so at Bald Ridge, and then slowly head south for the winter.
Leaving our family and friends always difficult.   My forever friend Carol and I always end up bawling and it is so unlike us. Bob knows the routine and tries to more us along rather than have two crying women saying so long.  LOL
The news reporter and  the  photographer were on Thursday,   Lord only knows what they will write.  The reporter asked endless questions about us and our lifestyle and Jim, the  photographer, took lots of pictures, even of our cat Maggie, which he promised to email me.
They think it will be in the Wednesday paper, I hope that it is, as we would like to see it before we go.
It is a rainy weekend here in Beverly, Birthplace of the American Navy, in case you didn't know that!  A good weekend to get things done around here inside the coach, although we had plan to visit some friends that we wanted to see before we left.  So much for good intentions, I guess.  I tend to keeping pushing things into the cabinets and before I know it, we can hardly close the door.  Yesterday we stocked the freezer with our favorite meat from the Butchery,  ( sorry Shirley, no room for haddock ) and stocked up on can goods and fluff that we can only buy here.