Monday, February 6, 2006

San Diego Zoo

  The San Diego Zoo is probably the most popular zoo in the world  and trust me, it's so big, 100 acres.  It is also the home to those cute giant pandas.  The zoo grounds are up and down, with a wonderful variety of tropical and sub-tropical plants. Even though we took a guided tour when we first got there, the zoo requires a lot of walking, with much of it up and down.    We loved the gorillas, pandas, orangutans, bear plunge and the koalas even though they slept while we visited.  I guess we didn't impress them to much.  

Bottom line, it's a great take, but don't forget your walking shoes.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures even better on the new viewer AOL have given us.  The animals all looked a bit hot though. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Yikes!    You/re getting close to where I live.

The S.D. Zoo is a great take, isn't it?    But you need at least a day .

Anonymous said...

I'd love to visit some day. Thank you so much for the beautiful Panda post card. I had just started a collection of post cards and you'res is the second to be added to my collection. :) I plan on making a collage if I get enough. LOL


Anonymous said...

Great's been many years since I've been to the San Diego zoo...our honeymoon...:)   I love animal pictures..especially the cats and birds...