Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Picture from Hometown Happy Valentine's Day  

 Did you know that  that 192 million cards  will be exchanged today.  It is  the second most  popular card giving day.  

  I remember  when I was just a child in school we would all decorate a  a box to be used as a mail box.  When this day finally arrived we would proudly display it on our desk for all our friends .  The teacher gave us a limited time to go around and put valentines in  our friends box.  This was a anxious time, what if you didn't get  any?   I don't think that this ever happened, thank heaven.  

 Any way, here is my valentine to you.   http://www.banjobunny.com/pages/view.php?CardID=890  

I also have a little game for you to play.   Let me know how good you are!   

  Click here: Dating Throughtout The Ages  


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my journal. Loved your valentines day entry...I did not do well on the test...lol  I never was good at tests....too much pressure watching the clock...lol  Take care

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my Blog. You are such a cool couple. Im adding a link on my Blog to you so others can enjoy your Journal as much as I do.

John G.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn.  I'm off to check out the game and the card.  You always come up with such great stuff.

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.


Anonymous said...

I did pretty well on the quiz. It said I must be a great date. LOL But that I would be the best date in the 1920s!!! Too funny. I did the worst on my own dating era (the 1980s).

Anonymous said...

i didn't too badly for the 60s and 70s ... but the clock drove me nuts

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's day to you, Dawn. Sorry it's late. But...better late than never and at least you know I was thinking of you, right. I remember the valentine box sitting on our desk. I don't think anybody never got one. How horrible that would have been for that person. Hope you and hubby are still happy and well, still enjoying doing what I'd be doing if I could.
HUGE hugs, instead of a little one.
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK

Anonymous said...

I can remember when we used to exchange Valentine cards in school!! I always managed to get some!!! lol.... http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you stopped by my blog and left a link back to yours! Your living your life as a nomad is just want I want to do once I am finally alone with the DH! lol...Im gonna catch up on your blog and add you to my alerts! Your are my official tour guide arpund America, so I will know what to add on my list of 'Must See's!" lol