Wednesday, August 17, 2005

This and That

  We have friends, Pat & Bob, from Beverly that left here many years ago and settled in Lake Havasu, Arizona.   Lake Havasu is know for the having bought the London Bridge and reassembled it there.   Well, our friends have recently moved to Golden Valley, AZ which is further north near Laughlin, which is a gambling community.  In Mesa, AZ. where we winter, there is always a bus trip to Laughlin somewhere in the  Valley offering a special to the snow birds.  Getting back to Pat & Bob, they sent us some wonderful pictures of their new area and I thought you might like to see them too.  I also included a picture of Bob's fishing trip to N.H. last month.  What a catch!

  We played a new game last night called LCR.  There were 11 of us and it was a hoot.  It's a very simple dice game played with chips or money.  We played for money.. Now this game could be played all night with as little as $1.00 playing for pennies or a little more using nickels, and the more that play the better.  Anyone every play this?  

We are still in Massachusetts and Bob's neurologist wants him to see a surgeon and discuss having a coronary angiogram.  This sounds rather scary to us.  So now we wait for the appointment.   

 It was great seeing you Rosemary!  


Anonymous said...

this is from pearl and gus....let us know how Bob is doing, hope everything is ok. we are still having hot weather...sounds like you guys are having lots of fun..God's blessings to you both!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry too much about the angiogram. My Dad had one. He also had a pacemaker put into his chest. He came through both procedures with no problem and not too much discomfort. Angiogram is a very common procedure so doctors do them often. Practice makes perfect. :-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good time.

Take Care,