Saturday, August 27, 2005


  I love week-ends here in Beverly.   Every Saturday and Sunday Bob, Mike (Carol's hubby) and Steven , Carol's son meet out under our awning for morning coffee.  After a while Carol joins then, then Sue comes out (Steven's wife) and then me.  We ladies are still in our pj's, but no one cares.  After a hour or more we all head off on our own to get choirs done.  We come together for church at four and then some type of community supper, tonight it's pizza.   We often have visitors or Gerrie drops by (Carol's aunt).  Saturday night is often a game night including the children.   Life is good.  

 Last night we had a fire in the outside fireplace and all sat around the fire.  We ended up making pies , often called hobo pies, over the fire and topping them off with whipped cream.  The kids loved them, so did the dads!  We had a choice of blueberry or raspberry.  Next.... bring on the samore's.  

 Bob has to be at the hospital Monday morning at 6:30AM.     Please keep him in your prayers.   Love to you all.        Dawn


Anonymous said...

Best wishes to Bob... :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn. What a great way to start the day; lounging about with friends in one's pj's over coffee. And the rest of your day sounds terrific too. I always enjoyed the church potlucks and such. HOBO PIES? Sounds yummy, as well as fun. Take care. I will be praying for Bob and asking others to as well. Big hugs and love too.

Anonymous said...

Your early morning gatherings sound like such fun.  But then again, most of what you do sounds like such fun.  :-)

I will keep Bob in my thoughts and prayers, but don't forget to take care of yourself.