Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Picture from Hometown This is me doing the happy dance.   Bob's angieogram proved him to be as fit as a fiddle and ready to diddle!  Can't beat that.   We have been blessed with so many  friends here that took care of us well.  We never can repay them for their kindness.   We love you all.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


  I love week-ends here in Beverly.   Every Saturday and Sunday Bob, Mike (Carol's hubby) and Steven , Carol's son meet out under our awning for morning coffee.  After a while Carol joins then, then Sue comes out (Steven's wife) and then me.  We ladies are still in our pj's, but no one cares.  After a hour or more we all head off on our own to get choirs done.  We come together for church at four and then some type of community supper, tonight it's pizza.   We often have visitors or Gerrie drops by (Carol's aunt).  Saturday night is often a game night including the children.   Life is good.  

 Last night we had a fire in the outside fireplace and all sat around the fire.  We ended up making pies , often called hobo pies, over the fire and topping them off with whipped cream.  The kids loved them, so did the dads!  We had a choice of blueberry or raspberry.  Next.... bring on the samore's.  

 Bob has to be at the hospital Monday morning at 6:30AM.     Please keep him in your prayers.   Love to you all.        Dawn

Friday, August 26, 2005

Lobster Singing The Blues

Recently this blue beauty was trapped in Pigeon Cove by a lobsterman.  This type of dark blue-purplish lobsters tend to glow in the water or so the lobsterman say.   This one weighed about one pound.  I guess they cook up just about the same as their red cousins.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

This and That

  We have friends, Pat & Bob, from Beverly that left here many years ago and settled in Lake Havasu, Arizona.   Lake Havasu is know for the having bought the London Bridge and reassembled it there.   Well, our friends have recently moved to Golden Valley, AZ which is further north near Laughlin, which is a gambling community.  In Mesa, AZ. where we winter, there is always a bus trip to Laughlin somewhere in the  Valley offering a special to the snow birds.  Getting back to Pat & Bob, they sent us some wonderful pictures of their new area and I thought you might like to see them too.  I also included a picture of Bob's fishing trip to N.H. last month.  What a catch!

  We played a new game last night called LCR.  There were 11 of us and it was a hoot.  It's a very simple dice game played with chips or money.  We played for money.. Now this game could be played all night with as little as $1.00 playing for pennies or a little more using nickels, and the more that play the better.  Anyone every play this?  

We are still in Massachusetts and Bob's neurologist wants him to see a surgeon and discuss having a coronary angiogram.  This sounds rather scary to us.  So now we wait for the appointment.   

 It was great seeing you Rosemary!  

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Seafood Galore

    Fried clams, haddock, lobster and flounder, this about sums up what we have been up to.  We are just social butterflies!!   Renewing old friendships and visiting with relatives has kept us busy.  

 We are parked in my forever friend's back yard and beside her son and his family's home.  There is no where  in this world that we would be more welcome.  We are humbled by their love and concern. 

  Bob is doing well, but our Doctor want a few more tests done.

Last week we  went to our favorite "eat-in-the-rough" restaurant in Essex.  Vacationers to this area all seemed to make it here to Woodmans, which is a family run business for over 90 years.   Grandpa Woodman invented the fried clam and you can count on it still being delicious.  They have won many dining awards through the years as the best of almost everything, including onion rings.  The best  I've every had.  Woodmans is always on my list to visit whenever we are in the area.  They also do clambakes.  

No visit to Essex would be complete without a ride over to Gloucester.  Just the smell of Gloucester with its strong salt air breeze is very special to me. Gloucester is also America's oldest fishing port.  

Praise the Lord.  The Discovery team is home safely.

  I'm sorry it has been such a long time since my last entry.  Will try to do better. Love to all.