Saturday, June 11, 2005

Still in Indiana

Sorry I have not kept  up with my journal, but Bob has been in the hospital all week and just got home today.   He has  to see the neurologist next Friday, so we will be staying in Indiana for a while longer.    I'll catch  up with all your journals this weekend. 
Thanks for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband!

Anonymous said...

Hi Hon, hope the tests come out alright. Wiil keep you and Bob in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! What's up with Bob? Hope he recovers soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!  How is Bob doing?  Please know you will both be in my thoughts and prayers!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I hope everything is alright with Bob. An appointment with a neurologist sounds serious, so I hope it's just a precautionary visit.  

Best wishes to both of you.
