Thursday, June 23, 2005

Happy Days

  We want to thank you all for the kind comments and emails with good wishes for Bob.  We are blessed with good friends.    We still don't know what caused the numbness , but with any luck we will be cleared to leave here next Tuesday, June 28th.

    Friday night Bob complained that his vision was blurry.  By this time, I had no sympathy and said "you are probably just tired, It will be better in the morning." 

Saturday  June18     Bob left eye is still blurry, so he calls the doctor.  Doctor tell him it could be something to be concerned with or it might be a side effect of the Plavix.  Go to the hospital and get your eyes checked.  From the hospital, they sent him to see another eye doctor in Indianapolis.  He found that Bob needed laser eye surgery and it would be done on Tuesday, June 21st.

June 21st.   Bob had what they call YAG Laser Surgery. This was pretty amazing.    What happen was a membrane   had formed behind his lens implant  from a previous cataract.  The membrane acts like  hazy or wrinkled cellophane.    He was in and out within twenty minutes or so.  They marked the eye to be done, dilated it, and zapped the center of  the membrane with the laser and we were out of there with no restrictions what so ever.  Drove home and could see the road signs better than he had in years.    Now isn't that amazing?


Anonymous said...

It is amazing what doctors can do now for us all. I am glad Bob is doing well.
Bless you both,

Anonymous said...

Great News and good deal!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up. I know hubby is really enjoying the new eye sight Ü. Have a wonderful weekend!

Hugs, Donna

Anonymous said...

That's amazing!  Good to hear they were able to this procedure and get you guys in and out and back on to another adventure.

I hope Bob does not have a repeat of numbness.  

You guys have a great day.