Wednesday, June 1, 2005


  Picture from Hometown   We are on our way to Indiana for our son's wedding this week-end. It will be good to be back in a city again and have good telephone service.  
Sorry this is so short, but I am being knocked off the air more often than not.
Take care of each other.   


Anonymous said...

I love weddings! Congrats to son and daughter-in-law to be!

Anonymous said...

Wow, do you guys cover some ground or what.  Indiana.  Husband has relatives in Michigan City.  I've heard a lot of people complaining about being knocked off of the internet alot.  Hope that get's fixed for you.  It happens sometimes to me here on AOL but then it just signs me back on and I'm up again, "Knock on Wood."
Can't wait to see pictures, sounds like a wedding or someth eh?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Boy of boy do I have some catching up to do.  I just love hearing about your adventures.  Now, I must go back and get caught up.

Sounds like you are having a very nice time.
