Wednesday, June 29, 2005


      Tuesday,  June  28 

   We have finally left Indiana feeling eager to get home to Massachusetts before the 4th of July.   The weather is very warm and Bob is concerned with the long climbs over the mountains tomorrow.   We had some thunder and heavy rain here tonight, maybe this will cool it down a bit.

  We are staying in  Wheeling, WV tonight, but are not unhooking the car,  no sightseeing this week.

  While driving, last week we noticed a stapled road.  Boy, they used staples for everything nowadays.  Check out the picture above.

   Wednesday,   June 29

   Tonight we are on the Maryland/Penn. Line.  Getting closer!    I'm so excited.    We were on the road before 8 this morning, trying to beat the heat while climbing those lone hauls up the mountain grades.  We were here by noon time which gave  us the afternoon to meet our neighbors and go out to dinner.

 Our plan is to be in Conn. Friday night at the Mohegan Sun
Casino and into Massachusetts on Saturday morning.  

Be kind to each other.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Happy Days

  We want to thank you all for the kind comments and emails with good wishes for Bob.  We are blessed with good friends.    We still don't know what caused the numbness , but with any luck we will be cleared to leave here next Tuesday, June 28th.

    Friday night Bob complained that his vision was blurry.  By this time, I had no sympathy and said "you are probably just tired, It will be better in the morning." 

Saturday  June18     Bob left eye is still blurry, so he calls the doctor.  Doctor tell him it could be something to be concerned with or it might be a side effect of the Plavix.  Go to the hospital and get your eyes checked.  From the hospital, they sent him to see another eye doctor in Indianapolis.  He found that Bob needed laser eye surgery and it would be done on Tuesday, June 21st.

June 21st.   Bob had what they call YAG Laser Surgery. This was pretty amazing.    What happen was a membrane   had formed behind his lens implant  from a previous cataract.  The membrane acts like  hazy or wrinkled cellophane.    He was in and out within twenty minutes or so.  They marked the eye to be done, dilated it, and zapped the center of  the membrane with the laser and we were out of there with no restrictions what so ever.  Drove home and could see the road signs better than he had in years.    Now isn't that amazing?

Monday, June 20, 2005

Still in Indiana

Friday,  June 17

Bob saw the neurologist today and they still do not know what is causing him to have numbness in his hand and arm.  We will leave here Monday and continue east to Massachusetts.  We have an appointment with our family doctor July 7th  and will see what he suggests.

Tonight we went to a concert in the square here in Greenfield featuring  the Banjo Buddies from Chicago.  The neighbors invited us to go with them.   Tomorrow night we are going to a fish fry with a few  other campers.

Monday, June 20

      The saga continues,  We are still here and Bob will be having eye surgery tomorrow.  No connection to his other medical problems.  Just unbelievable.   Follow up visit next Monday, the 27th.  Still no  diagnoses from other.

   Our phone/Internet connection is very slow, almost nonexistent.   Sorry I have not been able to update. 

   Be kind to each other.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Still in Indiana

Sorry I have not kept  up with my journal, but Bob has been in the hospital all week and just got home today.   He has  to see the neurologist next Friday, so we will be staying in Indiana for a while longer.    I'll catch  up with all your journals this weekend. 
Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005


  Picture from Hometown   We are on our way to Indiana for our son's wedding this week-end. It will be good to be back in a city again and have good telephone service.  
Sorry this is so short, but I am being knocked off the air more often than not.
Take care of each other.