Thursday, August 5, 2004

Greencastle, Pa.

Thursday  Aug. 5th..  We are in Greencastle, Pa. and it is Old Home Week, which is held every 3 years, and these folks know how to celebrate.  They unofficially started Sunday at midnight with a song fest in the town square. The first song was "The Old Gray Mare Ain't What She Used To Be".    Every year all the residents gather in the square and have a panoramic town portrait taken.  The photographer has taken the picture for 28 years and his father before him, starting in 1902. Today is a big day with the main street often filled like a Saturday morning.   One bank was cooking pop corn and another was giving out root beer floats.  So good.  It's been years since Bob or I had one of these.  We sat with townies and they were eager to tell us about their town.  One of these stories was about one of their own, Dolly Harris.  It seems that the Confederate Army march through their town and when Dolly saw them coming, she ran to her house and grabbed the American flag and vigorously waved it as they marched by.  A General riding his horse stood up in his stirrups and saluted her because of her convictions and instructed his men to do the same. Tonight there will be a parade, that's why you see so many chairs lined up along the sidewalks.  Some of these chairs have been there since Monday!! After the parade there will be music in the square.  It doesn't get much better than this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great day in Greencastle.  Sounds like you are going to have a great time.  I am sure we will see all the pics of the celebration.