Sunday, August 15, 2004

Cape Hatteras and The Wright Brothers

Wed.  Aug. 11 We took the ferry today  from Hatteras to Ocracoke.  This was an enjoyable trip viewing pristine beaches and on the return trip a beautiful sunset.  The ferry was large enough for a touring bus and about 23 cars, and was provided by the N.C. department of transportation for free taking about 40 minutes each way.   Ocracoke , 14 miles long, is a typical island tourest town with lots of quant little shops, fishing excursions, and restaurants with catchie names like "Dirty Dicks Crabs"  


 Thursday Aug 12...  This was to be our last day here .  But listening to the weather we have decided to leave today.  They are predicting flash flooding this afternoon at 2pm .   There is still water visible from last weeks hurrican Adam.  Bonnie, a tropical storm and Charles , doing who knows what is on the way.   It's a drive just to get off the island , so being older and wiser, we're out of here.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting pictures..thanks for sharing them!

Anonymous said...

Catching up on your journal!....Looks like you're having  a great time, and seeing such wonderful things...It's good to see the world God has made for us!......I always think about you, and I am grateful that you have cared about me all along!....I may not say it often enough, but you are a wonderful person, and thank-you!..................Love, Fran