Saturday, August 14, 2004

Cape Hatteras

Monday Aug. 9th...Our destination today is to meet up with friends, Gary and Shirley,  from Az. at Cape Hatteras, N.C.  We have reservations for 4 nights.    We arrived by 2PM, got settled  and  with them made plans for tonight.   A fire on the beach was such a good idea.   Now to get to the beaches here,  one must walk up hill over the dunes, lugging all the fire wood, paper to burn, chairs and of course water, cameras and a flashlite  to spot those little fast running crabs scurring near the waters edge.  We selected a spot and were just setting up when along came a park ranger and told us we need to be 100 feet from the dunes to have a fire.  Next we count of  and find ourself on the wet sand.  That's ok ,we think, because the tide is going out. We enjoy this fire for about half an hour when one of those famous outter banks waves came up and spoiled our party.  We moved back and after a while got another fire going.   There were some folks shooting off fire works on the beach that added to our fun time.   Life is good.  

 Tuesday Aug 10.....Today we went to the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kitty Hawk.    The museum has a full size replica of the plane that  changed history. The park ranger gave a very interesting talk about it and the problens the brothers had to solve.  The first powered, controlled flight on Dec. 17, 1903  lasted 12 seconds and a distance of 120 feet.


Anonymous said...

I love your journal.  My own traipsing around our lovely continent got side tracked by my bodies inability to accommodate me.  So I vicariously travel with you.  Wonderful!  Pennie

Anonymous said...

Isn't it impressive when a flight that was soo short changed the course of America? ~*Alex*~

Anonymous said...

What lovely pics.  Glad you found out about Charley in time to get to a safe place.