Saturday, June 5, 2004

Pine Hill Campground, Pa.

Friday and Saturday finds us in the Pine Hill Campground in Kutztown, Pa.  We've stayed here before and the view is always  lovely.   There is a farmers market every weekend which we always go to.  Not only does it have wonderful fruits and vegetables, but has meats, fish, and flowers.   Tomorrow ( Sunday) we will cross over into NY, by way of the Tappan Zee Bridge.  This is the day of he dislikes the most, going through NY.    We have being looking for a campground somewhere between Hartford, CT and the Mass. line, but can't find one.  This is the area we would like to stay in Sunday night.  It just might be a Walmart stop!   We are on our way to Vermont.   Our friend Inez's daughter and husband  are having a mortgage burning party next Sunday and we have been invited.  The husband enjoys golf, so were hoping the weather is accommodating.Catch you later.


Anonymous said...

Wow, already in PA and headed to Vermont. You don't waste any time do you?  Vermont is so pretty I would rush to get there too.  :-)

Anonymous said...

glad to see you in our neck of the woods dawn!  happy camping!

Anonymous said...

have been reading your journal, you should write  book, it is very interesting and fun to read. stay safe and love from pearl and gus Say hi to Inez