Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Barre, Vermont

We are in now in Barre Vermont, home of the most sort after pure granite and home to the Green Mountain Boys.    It's the land of mountains and lush green farmlands, and truck grades 10% and 11%.   I only mention this because my hubby and I are flat landers and our friend Inez, who lives here, calls them hills. The scenery was spectacular, even though our ears kept popping!!!   Inez gave us a  tour today. It was started by a stop at a cider mill and observed the making of this yummy drink. They had a very large keg and provided paper cups for sampling.  We also had cider donuts. Next we were off to the Cabot Cheese house for a free lunch of everything cheese, solids, popcorn,  spreads, and crackers.  After lunch we were of to Ben and Gerry's for ice cream samples.  She took us to see a floating bridge, which was pretty interesting and last but not least a ride down the cow pasture.  Inez has a lot of land and years ago I guess there was a sale of a piece of land to the city with the stipulation that they would always have a " right of way"  through it.  Well, Inez doesn't really use this road but takes a yearly trip down it just to keep her options in tact.  Any way this was a ride from hell.  Just two tracks to keep your wheels in and again the  "hills" and drop off.  But the big surprise was an electric  fence on each side of these ruts we had to stay in.  They we come to a gate, of course electrified, and tells Bob to get out and just grab the wooden handle  to open it.  Now Bob has always had a healthy respect for electricity and I could tell he did think this was fun any more, but we had to go on, there was no way you could turn around.  Inez enjoyed this ride, she is more adventurous than we are.  Can't wait to see what else she calls fun.


Anonymous said...

Yum. Ben & Jerry's! What's not to love!  Glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Yummy yummy!
I love Ben and Jerrys :)
