Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Beverly. Massachusetts

We are now back home in Beverly, Massachusetts. I could smell the wonderful salt air long before we actually arrived.  I wish I could bottle some up for each of you to enjoy.   It is home,  where I was raised  and where we have our roots.  Bob came from Salem, Ma. just two miles from here. I'll do an entry on Salem , witches, and his mother another day, see any connetion there?    Founded in 1626, the  City of Beverly is one of the oldest communities in the state.  I describe my city as the birthplace of the American Navy, noting that the first ship commissioned by the Navy first sailed from Beverly Harbor. United States Navy  


Anonymous said...

We all need a place we call home.  So glad you back and enjoying yourselves.  I love the mail box!!!

Anonymous said...

It is about time you got those sorry fingers going onto that keyboard--I just hope you finished all of your chores first !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just found your journal.  I think a journal of a travelling couple is very interesting!  -Krissy