Saturday, December 20, 2003

Good Life RV Resort

We have been here for a month now, enjoying the sunny weather.  This is our fourth winter here in Mesa Arizona., which is a surburb of Phoenix.  Sometime durning the next few weeks I'll add some pictures of our traveling home starting with outside Christmas decorations.

I was talking to friends in Ma. and they have been blasted with over 30 inches of snow in the past two weeks.   Glad we're not there.  I'd rather get a sunburn than shovel 30 inches of snow!


Anonymous said...

I'd rather be shoveling than being bit in the ass by a gila monster, tarantula or a batch of border crabs from Mexican girls. Your journal sounds like it's going to be fun. I'll keep reading. I'd like to know how you'll celebrate Christmas by decorating a cactus.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you and Bob are still healthy and making the Best of your Journey on the Road . Nice seeing you this summer .
Best of luck and Happinesss on the Road ...