Saturday, December 27, 2003

Cactus around our park

Bob and I volunteer to work at the Saturday morning breakfast.  It's a lot of fun, but we must get up at  between 4 and 4:30 to be there by 6:15.  We served over 260 this morning, a rather slow day.  A lot of folks have gone home for the holidays or have family visiting them. It's not a bad deal, $2 for pancakes, french toast, saugage, eggs and coffee.  As much as you want.  This price includes entertainment too!  Such a deal. 


Anonymous said...

Yummmm! Got room for one more for breakfast?

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures! I found this site through your comments to Elizabeth, the Computer Lady. So glad I did. I'm a nut about photos on here and love yours. The cacti reminded me of a favorite place, NM. Out here in VA we don't see them!
Good fortune to you and yours in the coming year.
Camille Sauvager