Sunday, December 21, 2003

        Can you believe it, only four days until Christmas.   We have all our shopping done and gifts mailed.   Both of our sons live in other states.  This is the most difficult time of the year for us, being away from the kids. 
Tonight we are playing cribbage with a group here in the park.  Everyone is bringing something to eat for a mini party.

Last night 4 houses were broken into 9n the park.   Lots of opinions whether it's an inside job or not.  The windows are quite high that were used to enter, I can't imagine any seniors getting on someone's shoulders to get in!  If so, they must be in pretty good shape.



Anonymous said...

You've got to be having a great time!! I did a lot of traveling years ago, and I hope to do more when I retire. I lived in the southwest for six years, and loved it. I did miss the snow around this time of year though.

Have fun,


Anonymous said...

Another for Massachusetts,, how cool! anyways about putting pictures on your journal, find the picture you want and press the left button on your mouse, drag your mouse over the graphic or picture until it's highlighted, then press ctrl c
go to your journal and where your going to type text press ctrl v. your graphic or picture will then be in the text area and you can begin your entry below that! it's better than having the small pictures that AOL inserts for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh lucky people! You are doing what my husband and I have been talking about for the year. We can't wait to hit the road. Someday we will *smile*