Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Happy New Year


Whoops!  I mispelled harmony.  Dah, what a way to start the New Year.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Canyon Lake

Today we took a ride past the Superstitions mountains, on the Apache Trail up to Canyon Lake, in the Tonto National Forest and then on to Tortilla Flat's for a late lunch.  The scenic ride was wonderful, although being a flatlander, the road was high and very curvy.  Some areas were only 15mph and mostly no guardrails on these narrow roads full of hairpin curves.

We saw so many sagauro cactus, they were like little solders marching up the mountains. 

All I cound think of was Robert Louis Stevenson's poem; The Land of Counterpane.

The Land of Counterpane


Saturday, December 27, 2003

Cactus around our park

Bob and I volunteer to work at the Saturday morning breakfast.  It's a lot of fun, but we must get up at  between 4 and 4:30 to be there by 6:15.  We served over 260 this morning, a rather slow day.  A lot of folks have gone home for the holidays or have family visiting them. It's not a bad deal, $2 for pancakes, french toast, saugage, eggs and coffee.  As much as you want.  This price includes entertainment too!  Such a deal. 

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas

Happy Birthday Jesus

Today is  a difficult time for a lot of  folks, being away from family and friends.  For those in the service, hospitals, rest homes, and any other reasons they are not connected, I wish you better times .  Remember to count your blessing as we celebrate the birth of the Christ child.   Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: I bring you good tidings of great joy~For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:10-11


Happy Holidays


Lets remember what Christmas is about and that is the birth of Jesus.  Be careful if you are on the roads and return home safe

Hope Santa fills all your stocking's to overflow.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Monday, December 22, 2003

Busy Day

  Today is the official beginning of winter, but who cares.  Not me.

Another lovely sunny day here and we both had full schedules.  Bob went golfing  and  I went to the History Center to do a little family genealogy.  My parents families came from Ireland and England, so it's a long distance search. 

After dinner tonight we played  few games of pool before going to play whist.

If you have any free time check out our travel photos.

Club Photo    Good-night all.


Sunday, December 21, 2003

        Can you believe it, only four days until Christmas.   We have all our shopping done and gifts mailed.   Both of our sons live in other states.  This is the most difficult time of the year for us, being away from the kids. 
Tonight we are playing cribbage with a group here in the park.  Everyone is bringing something to eat for a mini party.

Last night 4 houses were broken into 9n the park.   Lots of opinions whether it's an inside job or not.  The windows are quite high that were used to enter, I can't imagine any seniors getting on someone's shoulders to get in!  If so, they must be in pretty good shape.


Saturday, December 20, 2003

Tonight  after church we went to a pizza buffet.  Sooo good.  I was so excited to find my first comment from a dude who obviously has a strong back and likes to shovel snow.    I'll take a few pictures of decorated cactus in the next few days and you will be surprised how nice they look. Catch y'all tomorrow.       


Good Life RV Resort

We have been here for a month now, enjoying the sunny weather.  This is our fourth winter here in Mesa Arizona., which is a surburb of Phoenix.  Sometime durning the next few weeks I'll add some pictures of our traveling home starting with outside Christmas decorations.

I was talking to friends in Ma. and they have been blasted with over 30 inches of snow in the past two weeks.   Glad we're not there.  I'd rather get a sunburn than shovel 30 inches of snow!