Monday, June 9, 2008

Tuesday June 3rd
Today we left Florida for  Ashborn, Georgia, just a five hour drive.   We are traveling on I-75 for a few days. It was very noticeable to us that there are less recreational vehicles on the road than usual.   I am sure it has a lot to do with the price of fuel. 
Our friends Marla and Don left today for a vacation trip to Pennsylvania.   We'll miss hanging out with them and  playing cards.
Tonight we have no internet connection as I suspected we wouldn't have.
We left here this morning at 8:15 for  Bald Ridge COE Park.    This has always been a favorite of ours as every site is on the lake and has access to it. It is a lovely park with paved streets, lots of greenery and large sites.  It is gated from 10pm to 7am for security and rangers are always visible.  The only draw back here is again no Wi-Fi.  I'm am using self control about now regarding this issue.  LOL
There is a water shortage here in Georgia and the lake is very low.   It is a sad sight to see compared to last year.   Some things in Georgia remain the same.  I'm always amazed to see the amount of Kudzo here on the sides of the highway.   If you are not familiar with this weed, let me tell you a little about it.  It is found in southern states only and was brought here from Asia as a tool to fight erosion, but it also kills trees and shrubs by shrouding them and blocking their light.  It is hard to kill, can grow a foot a day and can send roots 12 feet into the ground.  Some experimenting  is going on by bring goats into the area and they are said to eat it .   
Kudzu-The Vine         Check this out for more infomation
We stopped for diesel today, $4.60 a gallon.  Our total was $215.77 for 47 gallons and propane was a total of $56.47.    It's easy to understand why people are not traveling far from home.  
We will be staying here four nights.   Catch you all later.     Sorry that I have not been able to read other journals, please forgive me, I'll catch up in a week or so. 


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip!!  Wow... gas prices are awful.

be well,

Anonymous said...

For some reason I couldn't see your pictures. I hope you both have a very safe trip! Gas prices are freaking me out! I don't know how people will live. It will take an entire day's wages to buy a tank of gas for some people. I just bought 16 gallons at $4.48/gallon!!! It cost me $69.50 to fill up. Sickening. I won't drive anywhere I don't absolutely have to!
Hope you all have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the heat will break a bit for you.

Yes, it is sad about the Lake.  But, it's come up a bit.  It was even worse.  I'm not sure we'll ever recover.  If the city and state keep issuing new construction permits and we don't put serious water solutions in place we'll never see Lake Lanier as beautiful as it was.

Kudzu.  Oh my that stuff is nasty and you just can't kill it.  :-)

Enjoy your trip and stay safe.  We'll be here with the light on when you get back in Wi Fi land.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, lovely pictures even if the lake is low I think we are about normal levels here. Petrol prices here are astronomical unleaded petrol converts to 10 dollars and diesel 12 dollars per gallon so we won't be going far this summer hope it stays good here and we can sit in our garden. Have a great trip.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

It's hot and dry here in NC also.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how the gas prices were affecting you.
You are living the dream Tom and I have for our retirement so I love hearing how it works for you.

Anonymous said...

Bob drank the lake dry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dawn nice to get an entry from you on this stage of your journey ,That was interesting reading about the plant , safe journey Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hoping your trip is going well and you are enjoying the scenary along the way.  Fuel costs?  Well, it stinks, but we only 'go round once' so we may as well enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, nice to catch up with you.  Thanks for stopping by my blog - A Poet's Point of View. I decided to get the Free AOL and much to my suprise I'm locked out of my journal because I guess mkolasa101 doesn't exist anymore.  Can't even get my addresses from my old e-mail account.  Oh well, guess that's life, live and learn.  All those pictures I had stored on MyPictures.  Any ideas out there how one gets to these things.

Marlene - purelypoetry now or

Anonymous said...

my husband once had too much to drink and slept on the porch. I n the morning, there was a branch of Kudzu vine around his ankle
or Southern legend?
YOu decide!