Monday, May 19, 2008

Coming soon----Big news!

Well here I am apologizing again for not taking care of business here in J-Land.     Hope I am forgiven.
When we retired I had imagined there would be so much time to ponder life's meaning and other heavy thoughts.  That such was a pipe dream.  There is never a single day that we don't leave the house.  Our social calendar is busier than a ever.
It is getting warmer here in Florida, so the games of shuffle are being played at night under the lights. There are still a lot of good-bye dinners going on, which had added a few more pounds to the derriere, which I really don't need.
Bob and I have always enjoyed the  small community theatres productions.    Yesterday we saw an old favorite "Nunsense", a two act play, with our friends Marla and Don.  Bob and I attended parochial schools and found this play amusing, much more than the ruler  whacking nuns we remembered.  The five gals who played the nuns were very funny, and had serious singing voices.   It was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon and later went out to dinner and home for a few hands of cards.  It was such a nice day.
All My Faves | Why Search?    Check this site out.   I'm sure you will just love it.
This is all I have to share today, BUT Wait,  I'll give you really really big news in a day or two. 


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your life is full of FUN stuff! Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

I know just what you mean ,I was going to work wonders when I retired,am always busy doing something ,though not at the moment I have hurt my back ,and that is so frustrating Jan xx

Anonymous said...

When I reach retirement age I hope I have as much fun as you do!

Take care


Anonymous said...

Waiting on the big news!  Sounds like you do keep quite busy ... a good thing ... no sense retiring and sitting around with nothing to do!

Anonymous said...

Aww! Such a tease.  *wink*