Sunday, March 23, 2008

OH, What a week it was!

Hi All,    We have been so busy lately.  The winter season is coming to an end and the things to do are all being scheduled before everyone leaves for the north and a summer at home.    Let's see, first we had our last dance of the season, went off very well.  Then we had "Fun Day" which was a hoot.  I was the sheriff and had five  deputies.   We had a jail and if you were caught without a "Get Out of Jail Free Card", it cost you to be bailed out.   My deputies were aggressive and we made a lot of money for the activities next year.  Beside the jail there were game of chance, water balloons, a cake walk and a huge amount of door prizes, all from local merchants.  We also had a lunch cafe there with all home made soups, chili, hot dogs and pastries.
Next we had a bocce tournament.  Bob's team came in first place and my team came in second.    What luck, not skill.  LOL       I won at Bingo this week, that's a first for the year..
Thursday, the park had a pork loin dinner cooked by the guys.  The horseshoe players and the shuffle team put it on..   Had company Thursday and Friday night for cards.  Saturday went to Easter service 8pm until 10:30 pm.  What a long service.  All so Bob could play golf on Sunday morning with the guys.
Today we were invited to our friends Marla and Don for Easter dinner.  There were 18 of us.    Marla is the perfect hostess and one of the best cooks that I have run across.  I'm so glad to have met her.
Tomorrow my friend Marianne is coming to visit for a few days.  She is hoping for warm and sunny weather, as it is still cold in New England.   The forecast is for the 70's all week and sunny.  Not bad.
I guess that's it for now.   Have a good week.   Catch you all later.      Dawn

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Here is a special card for all my J-Land friends:        Dawn




Sunday, March 9, 2008

Busy Times

 Elephant Ears, so good.
These signs were great.
Charlie Pride concert
Western entertainment.
Just opening, no crowds yet!
Strawberries, strawberries everywhere.
  Cake decorating.
    Still  have a busy schedule here in Florida.   Bob was recently in the hospital for observation and they found nothing conclusive.  He is fine and back to a full schedule of golf,cooking at the park breakfasts, cribbage, and a lot of cards with friends.   Last night we went to church with Mary and Carl and Marianne and Jim.  After we went to Chili's for dinner.  It seems that it was happy hour when we got there.  Being in a party mood we all ordered a drink, and when they were delivered, there was two for each of us.  Yum  What a deal!
Last week we went to the Strawberry Festival.  Weather was beautiful and we did a lot of walking around.
This is a community fair, being smaller than the county fair or state fair.   What could be more community than Plant City, where all local farmers have worked long and hard to bring the strawberries to market. Over 5,000 acres are planted annually.  That's a lot of strawberries.
Along with wicked good strawberry shot cake, the fair is a feast for all.  We went with friends of 40 years or so,  Art and Ginny from Georgia.   Young and old enjoy the  competitions and contests combined with exhibits of agriculture, commerce, livestock, arts, homemade goods, crafts and entertainment  that's hard to match.   On the day we were there we saw The Southern Star Bluegrass Band and also Charlie Pride. Does anyone remember Charlie singing  "Kiss An Angel Good Mornin'" ?
I guess I had better finish off here and download a few photos.  Hope you all had a good weekend..
PS    I'm have a heck of a time trying to find solid lime green or yellow dinning room chair pads.  Anyone know where they have them?          Dawn