Sunday, September 30, 2007

Nothing Much

Hi Everyone.   So sorry that I have not visited journals.  Please forgive me, as we have not had Wi-Fi at every stop..  I am writing this as we cruise down I-65 in Tenn.  and will post it with my next connection.
While still in Indy visiting our son, I got an ear acre.  After sitting up all night I went to the local hospital for advice.   The problem was that many years ago I had a ear acre like this and it ended being shingles and went into my left eye.   Although it has been about 15 years I was left with a massive left eye problem.  I need to use 3 different eye drops daily three times a day.   It is one pain in the butt and to say nothing about the pain in the eye.  LOL  Anyway the doctor gave me ear drops to use four times a day and shingle meds to take three times a day and a pain pill if needed.  Now   we have eye drops and ear drops.  Can you guess what happened next?  Yep, the eye drop was put in my ear.   Bob says he's glad I was not taking a  suppository!!!  Anyway, I'm still around to tell the story.
We had a great visit with our son, but was disappointed we were not able to visit some good friends from Fort Wayne while in Indiana.  Next time guys.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

You Asked For It!!!

 Maggie reading my journal

Good morning.  I received a few emails asking if I had a picture of me floating on my friends giant chair.  Well I don't know if you are all ready for this, but here it is.
Today we are on the road.  We will be spending the night in Kentucky and Monday on to Indiana to see our son for a few days.   From there we will back track a bit heading to Georgia for a spell and then into Florida for the winter. We will miss not going to Arizona this winter but with diesel prices it's a long trip. 
Talk with you all when I find the next Wi-Fi connection!!  LOL

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Beautiful Tennessee

Hi everyone.  I just can't believe how fast the summer has gone and how long it's been since I have added an entry.  I hope you all are well and promise to do better.
We had a wonderful summer in MA. with friends and family and it was time to get back to reality.  No more steamers, haddock, popcorn from Hobb's, visits to Lynch Park and floating around in my friend's giant pool chair, morning and evening visits from the kids and sharing meals with my friend Carol and her great family.  It's hard to drive away from. Bob did a lot of golfing with a bunch of other retired friends.  Just a nice summer.
We are currently in Tennessee and doing some sight seeing.  Tennessee is known as the Volunteer State, and it is colored green and orange.  Green as in the mountains and many trees and orange as most Tennesseans ( if that is a word) are wearing something orange with a big T on it.  The folks here are very dedicated fans of football.  I am telling you, almost every store you go into is selling orange shirts, shorts,
Crox type shoes, hats, flags candy and anything else including slippers that you can think off.  I don't know what I would do if I lived here, I just don't look good in orange and neither do some of them that are wearing it.  Oh well.
While here we visited the Sunsphere,  This was built forthe 1982 World's Fair.  It is a 266 foot tall steel tower topped with a 74 foot bronze glass plated sphere.  It's a sight  that can be see as you enter the city of Knoxville.   The tower's window glass panels are layered in 24-karat gold dust and cut to seven different shapes. It weighs 600 tons and features six double steel truss columns in supporting the seven story sphere. The tower has a volume of 203,689 cubic feet and a surface of 16,742 square feet.  Migrating starlings enjoyed the beauty of the glass sphere so much that the city had to purchase a device that emits varies noises to scare the birds from the tower.  I suppose window washers were had to find!  LOL
Almost forgot, we also went to the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame. 

The mission of the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame is to “honor the past, celebrate the present, and
promote the future” of women’s basketball.

The Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame opened in June 1999 in Knoxville, Tennessee. It is the only facility of its kind dedicated to all levels of women’s basketball. So whether you are looking for inspiration, education or just plain fun, the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame is the place to find it.

The outside of the building, is encompassed by two amazing basketballs. In fact, the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame is home to the world’s largest basketball. It’s 30-feet tall, weighs 10 tons and sits on top of a glass staircase that resembles a basketball net. At the other end of the facility is a brick courtyard, shaped like a basketball. Many of the bricks are engraved to honor guests, inductees, and a host of others who have chosen to leave their legacy at the Hall of Fame.

Catch you all later.  Enjoy the weekend whereever you may be.