Sunday, August 20, 2006

Long overdue entry

    Friends, family, lobster, clams, beaches, haddock, Dunkin Donuts, the smell of salt water,  these are a few of our favorite things, and we are enjoying them all.  We are home in New England surrounded by wonderful memories, while visiting our favorite haunts.  Class reunion, 50 years, must be some kind of mix-up, can't be mine.  Our calendar has been full and we appreciate all our old friends. 
We are again staying in my forever friend's ( Carol ) yard, in-between her house and her son's and his family's house.   We feel so welcome here and fit right in the commune, so to speak.  They have provided us with electricity, water and a pool, just outside our door.  What more could we ask for.  We are family here, how lucky we are.
Today is Carol's granddaughter, Carolyn's eighth birthday.  She loves it when we are home for her special day.  She calls Bob, "Bobby"   She is so cute.  Her brother Steven who just turned 13 has flown to Mesa, AZ. twice to visit us on school vacation.  I don't want to brag, but I can as they are not mine, they are wonderful children, smart, curious, loving, and sports minded, all around good kids.
Happy Birthday J-Land.  Can't believe we are 3 years old!


Anonymous said...

Great you able to 'hook up' ,and enter today ,yes we are family dear Dawn ....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Salisbury Beach! Wow...that brings back some memories.  :-)

Anonymous said...

I have been wondering what you were up to as it has been so long since you had an entry but have seen your comments so knew you were OK.  sounds as if you have found a nice place for the summer. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Little Carolyn is beautiful, and the beach looks fabulous. Have a great time,

Anonymous said...

Hi ya great fotos, i was looking thru a journal and came across your journal addy so i decided to have a wee nosey... I like what i see so il be back again soon Helen