Monday, August 21, 2006

Happy Third Birthday J-Land

Happy Third Birthday J-Land
  I am so happy to be part of this wonderful family.
  Most of us will never meet, but there is a strong bond that ties us all together.  J-Land offers friedship, encourgment, advice, smiles and prayers when needed. I love you all.
I hope you are all ready for the  Red Carpet tonight.
I'm dusting off my dancing shoes and will see you all there.
Just so that you will recognize me, this is what I will be wearing. 
Picture from Hometown
See you there.  Don't be late! 


Anonymous said...

Dawn you will look lovely are you wearing your red hat as well ?,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Yes,a wonderful community, it has certainly changed my life and brought me lots of friends.  You will look great in that dress.

Anonymous said...

Wow Dawn - you will look fantastic,

Anonymous said...

Dawn, leave your husband at home. I would like to spend the night with you. I have enjoyed your journal.

Anonymous said...

oooh la-la you will be the belle of the ball!!!!!Kristin

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments in my journal - sorry that you missed it. Hope the log gave you some idea what it was like LOL
Happy travelling


Anonymous said...

Dawn! It has been so long since I came and visited your journal. You are one that has hung in here. So many have gotten mad and left. I have been really sparadic with mine but I am seeing you are still traveling the country. That is so kewl! By the way I love that dress. Can I borrow it sometime?

Anonymous said...

Very nice outfit!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nomads,
              It's so nice to hear from other people and other countries and I note from this missive that you eat that good old healthy stand-by friedship; do you serve it with chilli sauce or B-B-Q sauce?
              Whatever you do in your life go carefully and may whichever God you worship look after you both
