Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Where did the summer go?

    Where did our summer go?    Sept. 14, 2005  We have left coastal New England, Beverly,  with it's cooling breeze off the ocean which allowed us to avoid the extreme heat and humidity that other regions suffer from at this time of year.  It was a high light summer with very dear friends, despite Bob's brief medical problems.  My only complaint is the condition of the New England roads.They are really awful, probably the worse in the country.  My other complaint, if you really want to know, is that we no longer can get on the Internet with our new phone.  This is a serious problem for me, which will have to be resolved before we leave Arizona next April.  So anyway, I writing this on the road, not knowing when I will get to post it in my journal.   It may be when we get to Arizona when we get a land line.   OH poor me!!   

"Cotton isn't king in the South anymore.
Kudzu is king!"

  As we are driving though Tenn., we begin to see Kudzu again.  we don't have kudzu in Massachusetts, I suppose because of the cold winters.  This leafy vine, if not controlled, will cover everything in its path, including trees, small buildings, and I believe, along with poet  James Dickey, who wrote a poem about Kudzu,  that if you leave a window open at night it will come inside.

  Georgia on My Mind

 Wed. Sept 21st.  

 We have been  here at Bald Ridge in Georgia for a week now.  This is one of our favorite stops, Lake Lanier,    One of the greatest thing about our nomadic lifestyle is that we are able to meet and spend time with good friends and that is what it is all about, don't you agree?  The weather has been perfect .   I took my last dip in the laketoday as tomorrow, we leave for Alabama.  

 Saturday Sept. 24th.  

 Rita's on my mind today  

 We are still in Pell City Al.  Waiting for Rita to get out of Texas.  This camping area is also a marina.  We have been here before and it's always interesting to see all the bass boats  coming and going.  Being Saturday, there are at least 100 trucks and boat trailers over in the adjoining field..  We have a water front site and can see all the action.   Here's a little story for you..  As most of you know, we are originally from Ma. In Ma. most people do not have shotguns.  We are city folk!!  Well this lovely motor home moves in at the site beside us early in the morning Friday.   Their tags told us they were from La.  The man disconnected the car, went back in the coach and drew all the blinds.  We figured he and whoever else was with him had traveled all night to evacuated from La.and had gone to sleep.  Anyway, about 5PM, he, his wife and the three kids  emerged from the coach and went out.   They also have a dog with them.  About an hour later two other cars show up with them with three guys, 2 women and three kids and 3 more large dogs.  Then the women  bring out fast food to the outside table and the men start unloading shotguns from one of the cars.  All in cases, we watch gun after gun being placed in the bottom of the motorhome.. Our initial thought was they were a terrorist group, disguised as normal people.  And then after we thought about it, we just realized that they must be hunters.  They also had bows with them.  Oh well, have a nice day. 

  Tuesday Sept. 27th 

We are now in Vicksburg, Miss. and have a phone line in the coach.  Yah, I can finally add an entry. Will add more tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

YOU"VE BEEN WHERE?!!!  Lake Lanier?  OMG, I live right down the road from there.  GASP.  PFFT!  ~Sie

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you guys on the road again! Get that cell of your fixed!

Anonymous said...

Finally caught up with you again. Love reading about where you've been and what you did. It's the next best thing to trucking itself. Take care. Hope Bob stays well.
love & prayers
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/THERESTOFTHESTORY

Anonymous said...

One of these days when you stop at Lake Lanier maybe we can meet.  I am not far from there at all.  As usual it sounds like you are a couple of very busy Nomads.  :-)