Saturday, September 3, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

  As you may know or not know, we have been parked in my forever friend Carol's yard, in  between her house and one of her son's house and his family.  Without any legal process, we have been adopted by this family many years ago.  Through this union, we have gained  four more sons and their families, grandchildren, aunts , uncles and the concern and love of a large connected family.  All of her boys have been in the service and three of them are career men of the Air Force, Navy and the Army. 

   One of Carol's sons, Dan, and his family live in New Orleans, where he is stationed in the Navy.  Needless to say their home is gone with everything in it.  His two sons will be arriving in Boston Sunday to stay with Carol and his brother's family.   Together they will see that the boys are taken care of and continue their education. Dan has not seen his wife since he was evacuated before the storm hit.  She is a nurse and was not allowed to leave the hospital. Thursday a police officer took her down the road 40 miles, so that she could use her cell phone to call Dan and the boys.  It was a joy full  phone call to receive for them all.  For now they are all separated and doing the best that they can to get through this.

This is a time that we all must give as much as our hearts  and pocketbooks will allow.  Most of the folks there didn't have much to begin with.  One cannot imagine what these people are going through.  God bless them.

The Salvation Army National Headquarters


Anonymous said...

Nice story. I sure hope everythig works out for aa truly happy ending. I also sent my donations to the Salvation Army. Thanks for visiting my Journal. My Refards, Bill. "Comments on the events of my life"

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for your friends and the other victims of Hurricane Katrina.


Anonymous said...

God bless all of them in New Orleans and those that have made their way out.  I am still looking for a friend of mine in New Hebron, MS.  Still no word and no coverage from that area.