Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Fun Day

  The family picnic was a great success at Lynch Park.  By 7 AM bacon was frying and tables were decorated.   The early walkers enjoyed the aroma as well.  The menu was bacon, eggs, home fries, pepper and onions, fruit, juice, donuts and coffee.  

The weather was perfect with a light sea breeze.  Before long the kids were in the water or scurrying around the rocks looking for crabs. 

Later in the day a softball game worked off some of those extra calories we had enjoyed.  

 Lynch Park was left to the city in a trust of some sort.  It's a  lovely park with a beach on each side of it and large grassy field on the middle.  Lots of shade trees can be found and a beautiful garden on to the side.  There is often a wedding in the garden.  

The picnic was originally planned for Saturday, but because of rain we postponed it to Sunday.   Bob and I had planned  to go over to Marblhead to see the start of the Marblehead to Halifax race start Sunday but because of the change in plans were not able to.  We did get a few pictures of the start, but we were so far away they are not recognizable .This race ranks among the most prestigious boating events.    This year 135 boats have registered.  The festivities started July 4th and will finish up July 15th, even thought the race will be over by Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

The pictures were beautiful! I LOVE our beaches too. It sounds like you guys had a wonderful Sunday Ü. I'm sorry you guys couldn't make it to the Halifax race.
Thanks again for sharing your pictures with us.

HUGS, Donna

Anonymous said...

Loved the photos! Wish I was there!

Anonymous said...

I so love reading your entries. It's the next best thing to traveling myself. This family picnic sounds so wonderful. I'll be going to a family reunion on August 13th. There will be 100 family members there. Can hardly wait. Hugs, love & always my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Gloucester! My cousin's wife comes from there...old fisherman's blood. I've seen the Blue Nose also. What a gorgeous ship.
Glad ya'll are having such a wonderful time!