Thursday, July 15, 2004

We are there!!!!

Monday, July 5th....Today was spent on  a very calm sunny sea.  The sun decks were filled with chase lounges and sun worshipers, all sizes and shapes. 
About noon time Bob spotted the Coast Guard sailing ship "The Eagle".   With binoculars it was a spectacular sight with full sails.  We were on the look out for  it as we knew it had left Bermuda Saturday, July 3rd, heading for Boston. 

There are activities  from  the early morning walk to the after midnight shows.  This is the life.  Today we booked our shore excursions.  Between the seven of us, I think we covered almost everything offered.  We all did our own thing, meeting for breakfast when we could and dinner at 7pm.  

Today there was casino table and slot gaming lessons, smoothie tasting, Merengue dance class, and a contest for Mr. Sexy Legs.  I encouraged Bob to enter, but he didn't want to discourage the younger guys! Tonight's show was a sing and dancing revue, and a late night game show, "The Newlywed Not-so-Newlywed Game," really funny, with the audience being the contestants.    And if this wasn't enough for you, they had a 70's Night Funkalicious Groove Party   Tuesday 6th... One more  excuse for a "Welcome to St. George Party" while we wait for clearance by local officials before proceeding ashore. 

 We have reservation on the coral reef classic glass boat.  This was a relaxing cruise through the many small islands near St. George.  This was a fairly new boat with the owner/ Captain,  pointed out interesting sights and provided an entertaining commentary along the way.   The water is so clear that we were able to see giant brain coral, purple sea fans and a variety of colorful fish.  Pretty cool!  On the way back from the trip the Cpt. took us to visit a natural habitat of the sea turtle at St. Cathrine's Bay where the Hawk's Bill and Green turtles swim and live on the inner reef.  We saw several as they came to the surface for air. We  finished our first day here by attending an island night deck party.   

Wednesday 7th.. This morning we took a walk to St. George shopping area and through Kings Square.  In the evenings they often have bands  playing or show relating to the old stocks, whipping posts and ducking stool, which was used as punishment in the 1600s.  The  stocks were used for minor offences, but the ducking stool was reserved primarily for women convicted of "gossiping" and "nagging".  Good Grief.   What husband doesn't suggest that perhaps his wife nags, poor guys.  Anyway, in the afternoon we spent at St. Cathrine's beach.  Boy did I get a burn on my back.  The water was awesome in tempature and color. While we basted in the sun, Carol and Mike went on the  Peppercorn Helmet Dive and had a great adventure, leisurely strolling on a sandy bottom, amid the coral reefs and meeting up with colorful fish eye to eye.   This is a must  if we return to Bermuda again.  Lori and Larry went to Charles Island for some snorkeling.   This area is populated by schools of parrotfish and Bermuda chuds.  They took lots of underwater pictures and we are all looking forward to seeing them.. After a late night comedy show, we all were content to call it a day.  Busy day tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness they don't have those stools today! We would all be suffering. The 70's Night Funkalicious Groove Party sounded like fun,l :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Dawn---each time I read your words, I re-live our experiences.  It is so great to have had you to share that little piece of heaven, "known as Bermuda", with me.

Anonymous said...

Hi, haven't been in here in a long time but was doing a blog jog through Pam's directory and I must say...this sounds so nice...this is how I want to travel!  I usually don't get to stop and enjoy things on my travels...the down side of being a trucker, lol.  I can go everywhere I'm just not allowed to stop and take in the sights!


Anonymous said...

sounds like your having a great time!  you fast learners, you...

Anonymous said...

the water and beaches and sites are just great in bermuda!  love those pics!